Ch. 16: Just Do Your Best, Iida!

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(Y/H) = Your Height

(Y/W) = Your Weight

(YH/C) = Your Hair Color

(YE/C) = Your Eye Color

Italics = thoughts

(F/N's POV)

After an eventful first couple days at U.A., I was hoping today would be a little more normal. It had been quite an adjustment already and keeping the spider vigilante thing a secret added to the stress of the adjustment. You could imagine my surprise when a mob of reporters at the entrance gate when I arrived on campus. They had already surrounded Midoriya by the time I got to the gate.

Reporter: "What's it like learning from All Might?"

Midoriya: "I-I'm sorry. I have to go to the nurse's office."

He backed away towards the school as the reporters began to shift their focus. Uraraka happened to be right there, so they turned to her next for answers. These people were like vultures, desperate for a good scoop. 

(Author: Okay, I know that was kinda a pun on the Vulture villain. I swear I didn't even think about that when I wrote it. lol)

Reporter: "Tell us, what does the Symbol of Peace look like in the front of the classroom?"

Uraraka: "What does he look like...? Super muscly, I guess!"

She flexed her arms with enthusiasm. I began to sneak past as they turned to Iida for another question.

Reporter: "What do you think of All Might as a teacher?"

Iida: "His leadership and wisdom remind me every day that I attend the world's most prestigious educational institutions. Of course, his dignity and character go without saying, but we students are constantly able to see his humorous side. It is a unique opportunity to learn about being a top hero directly from one. Also..."

As Iida went on and on, I was able to slip through most of the crowd. I took a glance at him as he practically wrote the story for the reporters himself. Since I was distracted, I bumped into someone. The woman I bumped into dropped her small notebook.

F/N: "Oops. Uh, sorry about that."

???: "Oh, don't mention it--oh, hey."

I looked up at the woman after I picked up her notebook and was going to hand it to her. It was a familiar face: Betty Brant from the Daily Bugle. She was a first-year college student who worked part time at the Bugle, though she mostly worked as his secretary. Unlike Jameson, she was always kind to me and made going to the Bugle bearable. I was surprised to see her away from her desk and out here.

F/N: "Betty? Hey, how's it going? What are you doing here?"

Betty: "Jameson sent me. We were short-staffed and everyone was working on other things. He was desperate for some information about All Might teaching at U.A. so he sent me here."

F/N: "I see. Figures he'd send somebody. Wasn't expecting you, though." 

Betty: "Yeah. I'll admit it, I'm a bit out of my element as a reporter. But what about you? Wait a second, that uniform you're wearing...You go to U.A.?"

F/N: "Uh, yeah. I never really talked about it, but I guess you caught me. Surprise."

Betty: "That's great. If I were you, I'd be telling everyone. U.A. is pretty prestigious. I'm sure your aunt is proud. Then again, I guess you've always been pretty quiet, mysterious even. Guess that's why you haven't been taking any photos lately."

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