Ch. 23: Working Outside of the Law... Again

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Italics = Thoughts
(F/N's POV)

I was training with Flash once again in preparation for the upcoming Sports Festival. This time we were training in his backyard rather than at school. We were wearing our gym uniforms, though Flash covered most of his body in his venom costume just without the mask part. His backyard was relatively clear with only a couple trees for us to work with. Additionally, next to the yard was his dad's garage, though we made sure to avoid using it in our fight to climb on since his dad would be pissed if we left any damage.

We fought like we would do at school like in the battle training from before, though toned down to keep damage to a minimum. Flash's mom was inside doing the dishes and preparing dinner and his sister Jessie was sitting on the porch steps watching us fight with a smile on her face. She was 10 years old and was enthralled seeing two heroes-in-training going at it, and proud that one of them was her big brother. 

Flash ran in for close combat, throwing fists at me in rapid succession. I was able to dodge them, then jumped up and kicked him in the chest. I used the kick to jump off him like a springboard. While I was in the air flying backwards, he turned his right arm into a tendril and reached towards me, extending his reach with the transformed arm. I managed to shift my body in the air to narrowly avoid as his tendril made contact with the tree behind me, sticking to it. I landed on a thick branch that could support me. Before Flash could come up with a new plan and as he began to retract his tendril, I quickly climbed up the tree and shot two higher branches with both webshooters. I used it to slingshot myself up into the air, breaking off and grabbing a tree branch as I did. Reaching the peak of my arc in the air, Flash shot out more tendrils at me, one from each arm. These tendrils branched out as I dodged between them, forming a net to catch me as I fell through. I slipped through as these branches formed and got closer and closer to flash. I slid down one Venom branch to slow my descent, then reeled back the branch, holding it in both arms like a baseball bat.

Flash: "Oh, crap."

I reached Flash's main body and wacked him in the chest with the branch, causing it to break and making him fall to the ground as his branches dispersed. I landed next to him and rolled to cushion the fall. I stood up straight and went over to Flash quickly. It looked like I knocked the wind out of him, with less Venom on his chest to defend from the branch since most of him was in the branches.

F/N: "Flash, you okay? I didn't mean to hit so hard."

He began to steady his breathing and strained to speak.

Flash: "I'm... I'm okay, Parker. *wheezes* Just gotta catch my breath."

Jessie stood up and walked over a few steps cheering.

Jessie: "Go again! And try not to get knocked on your ass next time, big brother."

I put my hand out to Flash and helped him up.

F/N: "Woah, you kiss your mother with that mouth, Jessie?"

Flash: "Hey, watch your mouth, short one. Who taught you that word, anyway?"

Jessie: "Daddy says it all the time."

Flash: "Well... You're not wrong there. But just 'cause he says it, don't mean you can."

She began to pout.

Jessie: "He says much worse things than that."

Flash: "Again, don't mean you can do it, too."

F/N: "Hey, hey, let's cut the sibling squabble okay. But... he did get knocked down pretty hard didn't he, Jessie?"

Jessie: "Yeah, you're way better."

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