Ch. 5: Wrestling Match

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(F/N's POV)

The next few weeks after I discovered my new powers were pretty busy for me. I had started my lab work with Dr. Octavius and I had some free time in the lab for my own projects. I also continued to learn what my quirk allowed me to do. I went to some abandoned factory buildings in my free time you test my powers. I could easily lift heavy decommissioned industrial machinery in the factories, I could stick to all the different surfaces in the factory, and I believe I had enhanced reflexes like a sixth sense. It was kinda hard to test this because I would need to put myself in danger and not know about it so that it would activate, which was difficult training by myself.

When in the lab for my free time, I began to experiment with some sort of way to reach far away buildings and whatnot when they were too far away to jump to. Keeping with the spider theme, I designed a formula to produce my own adhesive web fluid. It was cheap and easy to make and had incredible tensile strength. Now I needed a way to eject it to reach far away surfaces. I first designed a handheld "gun" that ejected the web and let me swing like a grappling gun. It was pretty inefficient. I took the pieces and redesigned it into wrist and glove of sorts. A few tweaks later and I had light-weight functioning web shooter on my wrists.

To test the web shooters, I went on my path jumping from rooftop to rooftop. I reached the end of my path, where I could not make the jump to the next building. I aimed the web shooter on my right wrist and fired off a long strand of web. It stuck to the crane arm across the street from the building I was on. I jumped up onto the buildings ledge and took a deep breath.

F/N: "Tallyho" I mumbled.

I closed my eyes and jumped off, hoping I wouldn't die. I swung and started screaming. It was a lot faster than I expected. I swung in really fast. I put my feet to the rooftop, but I wouldn't slow down. I yelled as I slammed into the billboard on the roof. It happened to be a billboard of All Might. I laid on the ground breathing heavy from the excitement.

F/N: "Uh, sorry, All Might."

Those were the major tests and improvements I have made. I've also kept busy with Dr. Octavius. He was genius and he greatly appreciated my input and contributions. He like the unorthodox methods I used. Making science projects at home, I often used cheap store bought items and junk to build things and this helped in the lab.

I still had Felicia on my mind and wanted to find some way to impress her. For once I could be more than the nerdy quirkless kid I've always been. My plan was to earn money and buy something that would impress her, something expensive. Maybe with this new quirk I could earn some quick, easy cash. I was going through the newspaper one morning and found an ad for an amatuer wrestling match, anyone can join no questions asked. Quirk use was allowed That was my ticket to getting some quick cash, but I couldn't go like in my normal clothes. The contest wanted costumes and a show, so I got to sketching.

I came up with a really cool costume that was mostly red with blue accents, a web design all over, and a mask with adjustable eyes. Unfortunately, I didn't exactly have enough time to build such an intricate design, so I kept it simple for now.

I came up with a few designs, but nothing was really panning out. I needed something that was cheap and easy to wear, something that would keep me loose so I could make use of my new agility. I kept it simple and took some old blue sweatpants, a red sweater and a blue ski mask, along with my white sneakers. To at least add some character to it, I made a spider design on the front of the sweater and added some simple eye pieces, giving me red around my eyes and white see-through lenses over my eyes. Underneath the cuffs of my sweater were my web shooters fastened to my wrists. If they asked, I could simply say it was part of my quirk. It was all ready, now all I needed to do was wait for the day to come.

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