Vigilante Chronicles #8: The Heist

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(F/N's POV)

Felicia and I had reached Fisk Tower from her hideout and were hanging on the wall to the security level of the building. Felicia used a small device to temporarily disable Fisk security and used her cat claws to cut open a hole in a nearby window.

Felicia: "In we go."

F/N: "Ladies first."

Felicia: "Such a gentlemen."

She crawled in and I followed after. We landed in a small dark room for security's weapon storage.

F/N: "Alright, let's make this quick. Wouldn't want the big man himself to come say hello."

Felicia: "Some of these weapons do look pretty expensive. I'm sure I could pawn them off somewhere."

F/N: "Cat, not now. We came here to get a very specific job done. No distractions."

Felicia: "Yes, yes I know. Old habit. Also, cute nickname."

F/N: "Well I'm not going to call you by your real name. For safety. In case anyone overhears us."

Felicia: "Of course. Enough flirting for now."

We snuck into the vents of the floor and made our way to the surveillance room. We dropped in without the security guard sitting at the cameras noticing us. I tapped him on the shoulder and he began to lift his head from the newspaper he was reading and turn to face me in his chair.

Security Guard: "Finally, Lee. You're here to take over for me--"

His eyes widened when he realized I wasn't his coworker but an intruder. Before he could react, I punched him, knocking him out.

F/N: "Sorry. Lee's taking the night off."

Another security guard was now entering the room and was surprised to see Felicia and I here. He pulled out a gun and attempted to fire. Felicia ran up to him and hit his wrist to the side, changing where his gun was pointing away from us. Unfortunately, she didn't reach him in time to stop him from firing and a bullet rang out which hit the building's electrical panels, knocking out most of the power in the building as red emergency lights lit up the room. After the shot was fired, Felicia grabbed the guards wrist, twisting it into an uncomfortable position, then flipped the guard onto the ground and punched him to knock him out.

F/N: "That's not good. Others will be here soon."

I walked over to the server room's door and ripped it off its hinges and threw it to the side. Felicia walked over to join me.

F/N: "You know what you're looking for?"

Felicia: "Yep. I was able to get a layout of this entire floor."

F/N: "Good. Find the DVDs and grab them. I'll watch your back."

Felicia began rummaging around the small room looking for what she needed, grabbing anything that could be used against the Kingpin. As she did, three more guards entered the room I stood in and pointed guns at me. I jumped at the ceiling to dodge their bullets and clung to the surface. I leapt towards them and dropped kicked the one in the middle, throwing him at the door they came from, blowing it off its hinges. I swept my leg by the guard on the left, causing him to fall to the floor, then I hit the guard on my right with an uppercut to the ceiling. I stuck him to the ceiling with my webs and stuck the other two to the floor. I moved out into the hallway the first guard was thrown and looked right and left down the halls lit up by those ominous red backup lights. I turned left and began to walk down the hallway to check for any incoming guards but didn't find any coming yet. I heard a sound to me left where it was room full of a bunch of cubicles and desks. Unlike the hallway, the room was pitch black.

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