Ch. 17: A Grim Reminder

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Italics = Internal Thoughts

--U.A. High (Homeroom) [12:50 PM]--

(F/N's POV)

Mr. Aizawa stood behind the podium and addressed the class, explaining what we would be doing for hero basic training today. 

Aizawa: "For today's basic hero training you will have three instructors. All Might, myself, and one other faculty member will be supervising."

Sero: "Um, what're we doing, exactly?"

Aizawa: "We'll be preparing you for disaster relief. Fires, floods, shipwrecks, and everything in between. It's rescue training."

Kaminari: "Rescue training? Sounds like it will be a lot of work."

Mina: "Right?"

Kirishima: "Come on. This is what being a hero is all about! I'm pumped!"

Tsu: "I'll be right at home in a flood."

F/N: This will be a good opportunity for me. I was limited by how much rescuing I could actual do in the field because of my vigilante status. About time to get the basics down. It would've have been good to know before stopping that train.

Aizawa: "Hey, I'm not done." 

We all quieted down as he spoke once again in his gruff voice.

Aizawa: "It's up to each of you whether or not you wear your costumes. Some of them may be ill-suited for this sort of activity. This training site is a bit remote, so we'll be going by bus. That's all. Get ready."

With that, Aizawa pushed a button on a remote to open the shelves holding all our costumes. He gave us the chance to change into what we wanted and we all met outside by the bus. Flash changed into his costume but kept Venom off for now. I changed into my costume, but kept my mask off for now and held it in my hand. Despite a few pads and gloves, Midoriya was just in his regular gym uniform. Uraraka and I walked over to talk to him.

Uraraka: "You're wearing your gym clothes, Deku? Where's your costume?"

Midoriya: "It didn't make it through battle training in one piece, so I'm waiting for the school's support company to repair it."

F/N: "At least you don't have to repair it yourself. Homemade suits like that can get pretty ripped up in a fight."

Uraraka: "Speaking from experience, F/N?"

F/N: "Uh, sorta. I may or may not have made a custom suit of my own at one point or another. My aunt taught me how to sew a long time ago, so whenever I ripped it, I knew how to fix it myself."

Midoriya: "That's good to know, F/N. I'd be interested in seeing this suit at some time if it's not too much trouble. You know, for my notes."

F/N: "Uh, yeah sure... if I can find it. I think someone may have borrowed it."

F/N: Yeah, meaning the police.

Flash came over and rasted his forearm on my shoulder while talking with a smug expression.

Flash: "Most of the time I don't have to worry about repairs. Venom's got me covered. Literally."

F/N: "Lucky you. Maybe I'll borrow him sometime so I don't rip up my costume."

Flash removed his arm and Venom's face popped up from Flash's shoulder.

Venom: "As if I'd ever let you, Parker."

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