Chapter 22 Connection

Start from the beginning

Kyoya surrounds both Wendy's body and his own with a cocoon of ice, which has spikes jutting outwards, to protect themselves from Zancrow's flames. As this happened, Kyoya realized that Zancrow's flames didn't melt his ice rapidly like Xanxus. As he looked at Wendy, he saw a worried look on her face and tried to reassure her.

"Don't worry Wendy. I've dealt with hotter flames than this."

As she heard this, Wendy nods her head with a small smile on her face. She didn't know why, but she felt like she could trust Kyoya's words. Meanwhile, Zancrow had a look of anger on his face. When he heard Kyoya say he's dealt with fiercer flames than his, he felt nothing but anger.

"Don't look down on me you bastard!"


Kyoya creates a large ice hammer that floats above Zancrow before dropping it onto him with great force

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Kyoya creates a large ice hammer that floats above Zancrow before dropping it onto him with great force. When the hammer landed on him, Zancrow used his flames to melt the ice hammer. However, when it was completely melted he lost sight of Kyoya. As he looked around for him, Kyoya was seen in the air just above Zancrow.


After first crafting a bow from ice, Kyoya forms multiple arrows from both of his hands and fires them at high speed towards Zancrow

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After first crafting a bow from ice, Kyoya forms multiple arrows from both of his hands and fires them at high speed towards Zancrow. Dust fills the air as Zancrow grunts in pain from the impact of Kyoya's attack. However, he smiled as he looked towards Wendy.

As Zancrow gathers flames in his hand, he launched them towards Wendy. Seeing this, the girl braced herself for pain. Though she was surprised when she didn't feel anyway pain. As she looked in front of her, her eyes became wide when she found out why she wasn't hurt by the flames.


Kyoya created a large shield made of ice in front of him, whose shape is vaguely reminiscent of a flower, to protect both himself and Wendy from Zancrow's flames

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Kyoya created a large shield made of ice in front of him, whose shape is vaguely reminiscent of a flower, to protect both himself and Wendy from Zancrow's flames. As this happened, Zancrow laughed.

"You can't completely focus and take me down if you're protecting that brat! Defeating me or protecting that girl, let's see which choice you'll make you damn fool!!!!!!!"

Fuegoleon had devised a plan on how to deal with the attackers and the magic knights moved out. As he paired himself with Leopold and Noelle, there was only one concern on his mind. Seeing this, Noelle asked him about it.

"You're thinking about Kyoya, aren't you?"

"Yes. I don't mean any ill will towards him, but he is from the Spade Kingdom. Why would he fight for the people of the Clover Kingdom or even be a Magic Knight? I don't sense any malice from him, but I know I can't completely ignore his situation."

Noelle nods her head as she, Leopold, and Fuegoleon take down multiple corpses that were tearing up the capital. As this happened, Noelle felt a tremendous amount of mana in another direction. To be honest it was quite suffocating. But this feeling didn't last long as the mana suddenly disappeared.

"Holy crap that was scary. Those corpses really wanted me dead. Honestly, Rades should learn some restraint."

A single young man was seen as he was smiling to himself. As he looked around, he saw multiple corpses dismembered while he laughed at how much he damaged Rades' precious puppets.

" be honest this invasion is really boring, but the battle happening right now seems entertaining. A flame mage, an ice mage, and a little girl. They've must have felt the same thing that I did. Which means, they've also made contact with Echidna."

Soon the boy turned around and saw a corpse walking towards him. Seeing this, he smiled as he was ready to annihilate the creature. However, he was surprised to see the creature tear off its own face and revealed itself.

"Wait, Byakuran! It's me, Valtos!!!!"

Byakuran was silent as he saw his comrade in front of him

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Byakuran was silent as he saw his comrade in front of him. Valtos was confused on why the boy was so silent, but soon Byakuran finally spoke up.

"Holy crap, you're as ugly as I remember! Looks like age hasn't done anything to cure that ugly mug of yours!"

Valtos grew slightly irritated as he heard this, but decides to let it slide as he told him that he successfully transported half of the magic knights away

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Valtos grew slightly irritated as he heard this, but decides to let it slide as he told him that he successfully transported half of the magic knights away. Soon he told Byakuran on how it looks like Rades might be in some trouble. However, Byakuran just smiled gently as he turns around.

"So what? If he's too weak to finish something he started, then that's on him. Besides, I found something really interesting. That boy and the girl he's protecting.....yes, i'm positive they've seen her as well. Looks like coming along wasn't a waste of time. Valtos, it looks like i've found some interesting play things."

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