They let out a breath of relief but they had A stretch of running to do once they knew it was clear. They stood stark still when the voices grew louder.

You couldn't understand what was being said it wasnt clear enough. Lexi leaning over to peek around the tree when she spotted the back of a cut.

She had to have been mistaken but no the proof was right there in front of her. The Mayans cut couldn't be duplicated it just didn't make sense. What were they doing here?

"What the hell is going on!" Kasey hissed at her.

"Mayans, that's what's going on! Now shut up before they hear us" she hissed back.

"Check the surroundings! Make sure were all clear!" a strong voice yelled out.

It ran a chill down her body she knew that voice Derek he had taken over the Mayans. Looking over the tree again she spotted his sandy brown hair his body build was stocky. Just how she remembered him to be last time over a year ago.

"The rest of you get your guns ready to blast this place to hell" his voice rang out.

At that Lexi's eyebrows rose to the top of her head he was here to attack. This was all confusing but she would worry about that later. If he started shooting he could blow them all up.

"Shit!" she cursed loudedly this wasn't supposed to happen.

"What do we do there going to finding us were siting ducks!" Kasey hissed at her.

"Shit up don't you think I know that!" she gave Kasey a hard glare "I know of a way but that means I have to expose myself" she finished off.

Kasey's face grew confused and she wasn't given anytime to process more of what Lexi said. One second she was with he back against the tree the next she was rushing forward with her hands above her head.

Lexi kept her hands in the air and stepped out to be seen "Don't shoot!" she said loudly. All attention was on her you could hear the safety's from guns being pulled off.

The breath was stuck in her throat she basically signed her own death if this went bad.

"Well well well what do we have hear" a male voice she didn't recognize sang out.

"Hey boss come look at this we got a straggler nice looking piece too" a man said near her ear.

It took everything in her power not to cringe away and kick his ass for addressing her like a piece of meat. The footfalls could be heard of heavy boots were heard softly against the cold ground.

Lexi's had been standing one minute the next she was dropped to her knees. Then her head was yanked back from her ponytail as she looked straight up.

"You got a pretty little thing here, maybe I get to have some fun with you" a man that could be close to her fathers age said.

These men were disgusting, sickly, and perverted it made her want to throw up. They released her hair and she faced down to the ground.

"What is it your supposed to be checking the perimeter" Derek spoke out loudly.

"Look what we found" he said excitedly

Derek's Nike black and white shoes were directly in her view. She took a deep breath this was it.

"Now what's a lady doing out here?" he questioned.

"I don't know boss but look at this she's got a Vipers Vixen cut" he said pulling on her leather.

"You got a name?" Derek ask crouching on his knees to get a look at her face.

"I would think you'd remember it seeing that I remember yours Derek" she said looking up to meet his curious face.

"Lexi" his voice was a whisper as shock crossed his features.

Pushing of the ground she spun her leg out kicking the man in the face. The threw a punch to the gut that dropped his like a bag of potatos. With speed she pulled her gun and pointed to the other man face.

"The one and only but I go by Havoc when we're out on club business" she said winking at him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked her curiously.

"I'm settling the score. Me and widow have been at this for too long I'm here to finish her. Now that do explain why your here?" she said.

"Why don't you lower your weapon off my guy and then we talk?" he said raising an eyebrow.

"Fine" she lowered her gun and tucked it behind her jean waistband. Then with quickness punched the guy in the face. Turning to Derek she smiled sweetly.

"There now we can talk but make it quick" she said giving him a wink.

Kasey came iut from her hiding soot after that. She stood calmly waiting for Lexi to finish her conversation.

It was the basic conversation oh who, what, when, where, and how. It took about 10 minutes before the radio cracked against her hip.

"Havoc come in!"a loud voice shrieked over the radio.

She cringed then pulled the radio from her jean loop.

"What's going on?!' she questioned

"We're blocked off Widows coming for you! Only Rosie was able to get away" she said in panick.

"How long ago was this?!" she rang back

"Not that long ago maybe 5 minutes or 10 minutes top I got in touch with you as soon as I could" she yelled back.

"We're heading out I'll get in contact with Rosie give your location to Kasey were going to split up to get you girls out" she said before handing the radio to Kasey.

"We need to move or she's going to get the drop on us shit!" she cursed loudly. Lexi knew she had gotten distracted with Derek.

She had made a minor mistake and now Havoc was going to pay for it. They both knew they had to get it together.

"Derek I need you to pull your men out of here I rigged this place to blow" she said turning to him.

"Alright what can we do to help?" he asked signaling to his men to move out.

The rushing of feet and engine roars where loud in there ears. They started pulling out leaving Derek with two other member in a matter of two to three minutes.

"I got another explosive set up about a hundred yards from here give me and Kasey a lift?" she asked.

"You got it hop on I can't help but feel I distracted you anyway" he said walking towards his bike.

Kasey had gotten the location and so they both straddled there legs over the bikes. Grabbing tightly to the men in front of them as they took off into the forest.

They reached the spot quickly both Lisa and Courtney were still tied to the trees. Lexi had Derek stop just for her to check the explosives setting them she hopped back on the motorcycle.

Once she felt they were far enough away she whispered in Derek's ear "Keep driving don't get distracted by the explosion" she said right before blinding fire erupted.

"I did damn those bitches to hell I meant it" she said quietly to herself

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