Ch.28 Aurora

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**Chapter 28**

 Delilah kisses Emmy on the head and runs her pointer finger down the side of the little girls face. Emmy and Dawn are both asleep, their beds pushed up as close as they can together. Delilah gulps as she looks at all the bandages on Emmy's little body. Emmy only woke up twice in two days, which Delilah didn't get much out of her when she was awake since she had to get checkups on how she was doing.

All Delilah got was that she was trying to escape the locked bathroom when Sandy had the tub and sink overflowing with scolding water. Emmy has second degree burns all over her body, and minor third degree burns on her feet.

Delilah dried her body of all her tears so she stares numbly at the two little girls. Her heart is filled with grief, even though she was told that both girls would live, she just can't think of them being in pain. She feels bad for Sandy, at first she wanted to kill her for making innocent children suffer, then she came to her senses that Sandy has something seriously wrong with her. Delilah feels sorry that Sandy, sorry that she grew up the way she did with her own mother, sorry that she didn't have a natural motherly instinct, or any instinct at all, sorry that she wasn't a mature person, sorry that she couldn't be a good person. Delilah knows that nothing could change the way Sandy acts and acted. No amount of therapy that she took or could have taken would change or help her. No parenting classes would make her a better parent, nothing could make her a better person unless she could start life over with better parents herself.

Delilah numbly sits down on the window sill and looks out the bared window on the second floor. The brown and orange leaves cover the browning and yellowing grass. The bare trees remind Delilah of how sad she is, her heart feels empty and bare just like the trees, all the color gone, leaving her world black and white. Of course the girls would be alright, but they officially have no family left but her. Delilah is barley sixteen, about to have her own two babies, what will become of the girls?

Delilah doesn't want the three girls to go to a foster program and go to people they don't know. Sandy didn't have the greatest friends as it was, so Delilah knows she would not recommend one of them. Delilah wants them to stay with her, but who would help take care of them plus her two babies? Delilah couldn't ask Zach to help take care of her three sisters as well as her and their babies. She couldn't ask Zach's mom either, since she herself is never home.

Delilah watches as a bus passes the hospital, a bus from another school. It's Sunday today but there was a game at Cheyenne High yesterday for Football. How could people still go on with life and have fun playing sports when her sisters are in the ICU? Why couldn't the world feel her pain as well? Why can't Sandy feel her pain? Delilah has never been close to her sisters, but their accidents made her realize it was Sandy who forced her to not like them. Raising them as her own when she had her own life to take care of made her not like them. It was Sandy's responsibility to take care of all four girls, not only Delilah's. Maybe Delilah will be able to bond with her sisters again.

She looks down at Emmy's expressionless face and only feels numb. The doctors say she is in pain and Delilah can't stand it. Delilah hated burning herself on a pan while cooking, she can't imagine the pain Emmy is in right now.

A knock at the door has her snapping her head up to glare at whoever disturbs them. A nurse pokes her head in.

"Sorry, Miss," She apologizes. "I need to check on your sisters though, and you are wanted in the waiting room."

"The waiting room?" Delilah says unsure, not wanting to leave her sisters alone with anyone but herself.

"Yes, ma'am," She says and walks into the room. "This floors waiting room."

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