Ch.24 Just A Kiss

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**Chapter 24**

Tristyn inspects Kassidi’s nails as they sit on her couch with Wyatt. He looks horrified at her thumbs, which Kassidi had been chewing in her nervous habit.

“These will need to be doctored soon.” Tristyn says and glares playfully at her.

“Doctored, really?” Kassidi laughs.

“I’ll be back, I have to take a piss.” Wyatt says and walks down the hallway to the bathroom.

“Yes, doctored.” Tristyn smiles.

The two stare at each other for a bit. Kassidi stares into his green eyes and wonders what it would be like to kiss him. Next thing the both of them know is each other’s lips. A small awkward peck, then a deeper kiss. They hear the bathroom door open so Kassidi jumps up and walks to the kitchen.

“I feel much better now.” Wyatt says as he walks back into the room.

Kassidi gulps and grabs a cup from the cupboard and fills it with water from the fridge. She gulps down a big mouthful, not to get the taste of Tristyn out, but to get the taste of cheating out.

Kassidi has never cheated on Wyatt in the three, almost four, years they have been together. Kissing is technically cheating in her book. Just a quick kiss though. Nothing serious. Nothing else happened, just a quick kiss. Is that really cheating? If it doesn’t happen again they will be fine, right? They will still be friends, right? Kassidi knows Tristyn wants a girlfriend and he knows Kassidi is in love with Wyatt, so will they still stay friends? Is Kassidi still in love with Wyatt? Kassidi has read the photo on Facebook that says, if you liked the first person then you wouldn’t have fallen for the second person, is that true? Is Kassidi no longer as interested in Wyatt as she used to be?

“Kassbear, what are you doing?” Wyatt calls from the couch.

“Just getting a drink,” Kassidi holds up her glass so he and Tristyn can see. Tristyn doesn’t look phased like her at all. He looks perfectly normal. Does he make kissing unavailable girls a hobby? Should Kassidi stay away from him while she is alone?

“Mind bringing me one too, please?” Wyatt asks happily.

“Sure,” Kassidi says shakily.

“You’re so nice,” Wyatt says as she hands him the glass of water.

Nice? Kassidi has never heard Wyatt say that to her before. Or is she just paranoid now?

Kassidi just nods her head and sits back down in between the two boys, acting like she didn’t just kiss a boy that wasn’t Wyatt.

“Who wants to play Xbox?” Kassidi asks, jumping back up from the couch.

“Yes, GTA5, I need to beat Tristyn’s butt at it.’

“Nope. I’m a total gamer, so I will beat your butt at it.” Tristyn laughs, getting into that guy mood just before playing a game.

Kassidi hooks the Xbox up quickly and pops the DVD in the counsel. She hands both boys a plain black controller. They start the game up instantly.

Kassidi just watches as the boys fight over who gets to be whom and who has what. Bored, Kassidi sits in the recliner chair and scrolls through her Facebook app on her iPhone. She reads posts and funny pictures people post, all so she doesn’t have to socialize with the two boys, who were very much into their game.

Kassidi gets bored with Facebook so she goes on Instagram, which she never posts pictures on herself. She stalks Nicoletta and Delilah and likes all their photos and comments on a few. Why can’t her and Wyatt be that cute and take pictures together?

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