Ch.39 Shopping

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**Chapter 39**

Jessica holds up a diaper bag and inspects it as Nicoletta looks at the Pampers infant diapers. Arabella and Jessica's mom, Mrs. Parker,look at cribs.

"How do I know one size should fit all? My son could have a really small butt," Nicoletta says as she reads the box of diapers. "What if the diaper falls off his little butt and stuff gets all over the place?" She looks at Jessica with a horrified expression on her face.

Jessica laughs and opens the diaper bag she holds. "I think they have little tabs to adjust the size, that way that doesn't happen."

"Oh," Nicoletta says relieved. "How many boxes will I need to start off with?"

"We needed tons for you," Astrid says and smiles at her as she places a pacifier in their cart.

"So two boxes of five hundred should be enough?"

"Sure, but when your son has his first bowl movement your gonna want more." Astrid says and turns to the bottles and formula.

Nicoletta sighs as she puts two boxes in the cart. "I can always buy more, Astrid,"

Astrid shrugs her shoulders.

"What are you looking for?"

"I know I should breast feed, but the thought of someone sucking on my breast is weird," Nicoletta and Jessica both stare at her before bursting out laughing. "What?" Astrid demands.

"Nothing," Nicoletta smiles and turns to look at the Pacifiers.

"Ugh, fine," Astrid scoffs and picks up a bottle.

"You need to make sure that the bottle you pick has the right nipple." Astrid turns around the Mrs. Parker peering over her shoulder.

"Along with the pacifier," Arabella says to Nicoletta.

"Well how am I supposed to know it's the right nipple?" Astrid asks.

"The one that fits you most." Arabella says.

"Excuse me?" Astrid looks at her wide eyes.

"I stayed home with all of my new born babies until they were at least a month, then I went out and got a bottle." Arabella says. "Your baby isn't going to like every bottle you give him."

"So?" Astrid says as she picks up another bottle. "This one has five consumer ratings, is it good then?"

"Gerber, they are a good brand," Mrs. Parker says.

Arabella inspects the bottles. "I'm not a fan of the brown latex nipples, so no. Go with a clear one." She looks at the bottles and pulls two packs of three down. "These should do perfect."

"Do I really need that many?" Astrid asks with her eyebrows raised.

"Three bottles is not enough at all," Arabella says and pulls two more packs down. "Six each should be fine for now."

"Six bottles?" Nicoletta asks.

"You never know when something is going to happen to one of your bottles. It's always good to have a backup. Besides, after about two weeks or so I always sterilized mine." Mrs. Parker says.

"Sterilize?" Jessica looks at her mother.

Mrs. Parker puts two packs of three bottles in her separate cart. "Yes, sterilize. You can boil them or just put them in the dishwasher."

"Ugh, this is a lot of work," Jessica says and looks up and down the baby isle.

"You're the one who signed up for it." She smiles at her daughter.

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