Ch.40 I Don't Roll That Way

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**Chapter 40**

Jessica watches out the window as Nicoletta gets out of her mom's car as it idles by the curb of her house. Nicoletta has a little box wrapped in wrapping paper and a huge smile plastered on her face.

Jessica fixes her hair and checks her breath by breathing in her hand. It's Saturday and Nicoletta woke her up by calling and saying she had a present for her. Naturally Jessica jumped right out of bed to shower. Her hair drips onto the cold polished floor she stands on. She barely had time to put her contacts in and brush some eyeliner and mascara on. No one outside of her family knows she wears contacts.

The doorbell rings so Jessica fixes the sun dress she wears. She takes a deep breath and opens the front door. Nicoletta smiles brightly at her. Her hair in a messy bun, no makeup, and a pair of grey Boyfriend sweats. Her shirt is covered by her black winter coat.

"Hey, Nicky," Jessica smiles a big toothy smile at her.

"Morning," She says happily. "Here," She hands her the present. "I got you this,"

"Come on in, it's cold out there," Jessica says and pulls her into her house.

"I can only stay to watch you open it though, my mom and I are going to go Christmas shopping."

"Christmas shopping, this early?"

"Yeah, it's not as crowded in the mall at this time."

"Okay then," Jessica laughs. She looks at the little box in her hands. It's not too small or too big, something small is inside it. The wrapping paper has little toy planes in decorative colors. "Here goes,"

Nicoletta watches with a smile on her face as Jessica tears the wrapping paper off. She opens the little box and looks inside. Jessica's eyes light up as she sees what's inside.

"What's inside?" Nicoletta asks like she doesn't already know.

Jessica pulls out the stuffed toy bear. She inspects it and feels it with her hands.

"I love it, Nicoletta," She smiles and pulls Nicoletta into a hug. She hugs her tightly, maybe even slightly longer than she should have. Jessica pulls away and holds Nicoletta by the shoulders. She smiles at her and looks her in the eyes. "Thank you, really,"

"It's nothing," Nicoletta smiles. "I just thought of you when I saw it."

Jessica smiles as she looks her in the eyes. "Nicoletta I-," Jessica doesn't know what she is doing until it is too late. She finds her lips on Nicoletta's soft ones. Her arms wrap around her and pulls her in closer. Nicoletta makes a sound, kind of like a squeak and pulls away from Jessica.

Nicoletta's cheeks are flushed as she stumbles away from Jessica. Jessica gulps down her embarrassment.

"What-," Nicoletta starts. "Why the hell did you do that?" She hisses.

"I- I thought you-," Jessica starts but Nicoletta cuts her off.

"No, Jessica!" Nicoletta yells. "I don't, I didn't, just no!" She has her hand on the front door knob. "I have a boyfriend Jessica, besides," She opens the door. "I don't roll that way."

"Nicoletta, please, wait," Jessica grabs for her arm but Nicoletta jerks it away.

"I have to go," Nicoletta slams the door in Jessica's face and runs down the sidewalk to her mothers idling car. 


"What's wrong with you?" Arabella asks as Nicoletta gets in the car.

Nicoletta shakes her head. "It's just cold out there, plus I'm excited to go Christmas shopping." She turns in her seat and smiles at her mother.

"Okay," She puts the car in drive and pulls away from the curb. "How did Jessica like it?"

"Like what?" Nicoletta asks, distracted by their previous misunderstanding, and her kissing her.

"The present,"

"Oh," Nicoletta says. "Yeah, she liked it."

"Good, I'm glad."

"Yeah, me too," Nicoletta says as she stares out the window.

Arabella babbles on about who knows what as Nicoletta stares off into her own world.

"Nicoletta?" Arabella says. "Are you coming or what?"

Nicoletta looks over to see her mother already out of the car.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," Nicoletta unbuckles her seatbelt and gets out of the car.

"What were you day dreaming about now?" Arabella asks as she leads the way into the mall.

"Nothing in particular," Nicoletta replies, even though she thought about how wrong Jessica was thinking she could kiss her.

"What's wrong honey?" Arabella stops and stares at her.

Nicoletta looks up at her. "Nothing,"

"I know something is wrong,"

"Mom, nothing is wrong, okay?" Nicoletta says a little too snappy.

"If you say so," Arabella says and starts to walk again. "I'm here if you need me though."

"Okay," Nicoletta says irritated.

"No need to get snappy, Nicoletta," Arabella says and walks off.

 Nicoletta sighs and takes a breather before following her mother into Target.

"I want to get a few things here before we get started." Arabella says and heads off deeper into the store. "You can head out if you want, I don't know how long I will be in here."

"Okay," Nicoletta says and turns on her heel.

"Do you need money?" Arabella asks.

Nicoletta shakes her head no. "I have my card."

"Are you sure? You can use your dad's card."

"Mom, I want to buy Christmas gifts with my own money, not dads." She snaps and walks off.

Nicoletta started the day off so well. She was happy when she woke up knowing they were going Christmas shopping. She had such a good previous night baby shopping with Arabella, Astrid, and Jessica that she was just in a good mood all together. She was excited to give Jessica the teddy bear. Now Nicoletta doesn't know how to feel. Happy, sad, depressed. Unsure is how she feels.

She didn't like Jessica kissing her, didn't like the way it made her feel afterwards. Maybe Nicoletta overreacted a little, but how was she supposed to act? Was she giving off any miscommunicated vibes to Jessica? Kassidi had told her that Jessica had a thing for her, but Nicoletta never thought much on it. Jessica knew she was into Jace. So why now?

Nicoletta snaps out of her thoughts as she realizes she had wandered into a store. She looks around for a store name. Her eyes land on a sign that say Aeropostale. She shrugs her shoulders and walks farther into the store.


FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO NEW READERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been getting lots of new readers and I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a GREAT time at Close-Up!! I got my license, thanks for all the congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D This chapter isn't so great, I wanted more drama but I'm just not in the writing mood right now and wanted to get something up for you all. I hope you can remember the last chapter with such a long wait. I can't really recap it but all they really did was go shopping for baby things.




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