Ch.3 Embarrassed

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**Chapter 3**

Delilah lays her head down on the cafeteria table, being to tired to keep it up. Her morning consisted of people staring at her judgmentally, teachers mumbling under their breath about a waste of life she is, and snickers from people.

Delilah is exhausted and it's only lunch. Sure she isn't the greatest student but how could a teacher mumble about how she is a waste of life for getting pregnant? How can kids stare at her like an alien and snicker and laugh at her like she is dressed like a clown? When did life get so cruel? Or has it always been this cruel and she just hasn't noticed it before?

"You okay? Do you need to see the nurse?" Zach asks and places a hand on her shoulder and squeezes lightly.

"Just tired." Delilah mumbles into the table.

"You sure?"


"Sure are." You can hear the smile in his voice.

Delilah lifts her head to look at him as he sits down next to her in a hard chair. Any other time Delilah would have found the joke funny, but not today, not after all that has happened and all her exhaustion. 

"Not funny, Zach." Delilah snaps at him.

"Sorry, baby." He appologizes.

Delilah stares at Zach's pack of three Oreo's and licks her lips. Oreo's sound perfect to cheer her up. Then, just like Zach could read her mind he slides the cookies across the table to her.

Delilah smiles at them. "Thanks." She happily says and snatches up the cookies before he could take them back or someone steal them.

Delilah rips open the little packaging and pulls out a cookie. She sniffs the delicious scent of chocolate and creme before taking a bite out of it. She moves the cookie around in her mouth and has to keep herself from moaning. It is like heaven in her mouth causing her tastebuds to go crazy.

Zach watches her, almost creepily, as he chews on a carrot finger, smiling.

"What lunch do Nicoletta and Jace have?" He finally asks, breaking their mini silence.

"Well of course they have the same lunch hour since all AP classes do, but I think they have C lunch"

"But were B lunch."

"Yes we are." Delilah says and pats his head.

Zach laughs at her and her smartass. "Will we ever all have the same lunch, just once?"

"Aww, does Zachiepoo miss Nicoletta and Jace?" Delilah says in a baby voice.

"No," Zach says and sips his water. "I just need more guy time with Jace, we don't really know eachother that well. Gotta make sure I left Nicoletta in good hands with that one."

Delilah stares at him, an Oreo cookie half eaten between her fingers.

"Make sure you left Nicoletta in good hands? Isn't it me who left her in his hands?"

"Now, Delilah, baby, no need to be picky, it doesn't matter who left her, as long as she was left in good hands." He smiles a cocky smile at her. "Now, did we, or did we not leave Nicoletta in good hands is the real question."

"Zach, I'm pretty sure Jace is good for her, and she's good for him."

"Hmm, but what's his sitch?"

Delilah can't help but let her jaw drop. "Sitch? Did you just reference Kim Possible?"

"Not important right now. What's important is the question already asked.  Now did we, or did we not leave her in good hands?"

"Why don't you find out for yourself?" Delilah asks as she stares at Jace and Nicoletta in the lunch line to get food.

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