Chapter 38: End of Summer

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"Hey!" Someone said.

"Hey, he's making a run for it!" Another person added.

Thornton hopped on one of the two sea jets and looked back before facing forwards and bolting towards the ocean.

"He's stealing a Sea Jet," Tyler yelled.

"Well, he did donate them, so he isn't stealing." 

"Eric!" The team groaned.

"Right, not important."

Lizzie exited the Polaris and caught up with the group.

"I got this. Gina, you in?"

Gina smirked.

"You know it."

"I'm coming, too." Ellie stepped forward with a determined look on her face.

The three girls smiled at each other and nodded.

The rest of the team watched as the three girls raced off into the ocean and followed Thornton.

Thornton panicked once he realized that the three were following him. He struggled to open the front compartment and threw the lid out into the ocean once he got it open. He shoved his hand in the compartment, feeling around for something that could be helpful. His meaty fingers wrapped around a flare gun. Thornton aimed the gun back towards the girls and fired. Lizzie made sure that they avoided the bright red light that came out of the gun. Three more shots were fired before Thornton ran out of ammo. Lizzie increased the speed of the sea jet so they could catch up with Thornton.

"Come on, get closer!" Gina yelled over the wind.

"I'll try to!"

"We're almost there, Lizzie!" 

The sea jet was almost side to side with Thornton.

"Come on!"

Lizzie finally caught up to the other sea jet.


Gina heard the signal and jumped off of the Sea Jet, tackling Thornton off and into the water. Ellie jumped off as well. She landed on the Sea Jet, driving it away so that Thornton couldn't get back on.


A crowd gathered around HQ.

Citizens, visitors, members of Malibu Rescue, and the police were also there as well.

A police officer led a handcuffed Clive towards the backseat of the police car. Another police officer let a handcuffed Thornton to another police car.

"This is not cool, man. This is very not cool." Thornton complained as he was forced into the backseat. 

"I can't believe, Malibu Junior Rescue, the thing that I love the most, was saved by the people that I hate the most," Brody spoke. In his hands was the Malibu Rescuer of the Year plaque.

Besides him, Spencer crossed his arms.

"Yo, this irony is mad thick."

Spencer shook his bead in disbelief and walked away, Brody soon followed. But before he could leave, Logan snatched the plaque from his hands.


Logan only smirked and walked over to the saviors of the beach.

"Hey, Gina!"

The said girl turned around to see Logan holding something in her hands. Gina recognized it as the Junior Rescuer of the Year.

"I think you should have this." Logan held up the plaque.

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