Chapter 8: Argument

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Gina crossed her arms.

"You said you were going to teach me to be nice. What are we doing in the locker room." 

Eric started pacing in front of a whiteboard.

"You want stronger legs, you train. You want stronger arms, you train. You wanna be nice, you train!" Eric shoved the whiteboard back to reveal a cardboard maze.

Gina seemed unamused.

"You built a maze in the lounge? When did you do all this?" Gina asked, following Eric into the maze.

"When you went to the bathroom?"

"It was only a number one."

"I'm very fast."

"Well, so am I." 

"Okay, let's get started." Eric clicked a button on the remote he had in his hands.

A cardboard drawing of a man holding a glass bottle popped up.

"Oh, no. This man's walking on the beach with a glass bottle. Step one. Establish rapport. 'Nice day, isn't it, sir?' Step two. Inform the beachgoer of their violation. 'Hate to be that guy, but we have a strict, "No glass on the beach" rule.' Step three. Confiscate with kindness. 'Perhaps I can recycle that for you?'" Eric turned and detached the soda bottle from the cardboard cutout and put it in a trash can.

"And that's how you do it."

"Yeah, if I'm talking to pizza boxes, maybe. But if I'm weak out on the beach, people will walk all over me."

"I'm not asking you to be weak. I'm asking you to be nice. And that takes more strength than you think. Are you strong enough to be nice?"

Gina shook her head in confusion.

"Where did you get this stuff?"

"I follow The Rock on Twitter. The man's like a jacked Buddha."

Gina rolled her eyes.

"Now, let's do this." Eric grinned and flipped the switch again.

Suddenly, the lights got dim and an alarm started blaring. Eric pushed Gina farther into the maze.


Dylan viewed the beach through a pair of binoculars. Lizzie and Eric bounded right beside her.

"So, how'd you guys do?" Dylan asked, sitting up.

"Uh, great. A lot of real happy people out there." Tyler answered.

"Yeah, me too. How'd you do, Dylan?" Lizzie beamed.

"Oh, so much happy. Like, you just dyed your tips purple, and then you ran into Ariana Grande at FroYo, and she was like, 'Hey, cool tips,' happy. We're gonna get a ton of good reviews now. I know it."

"Oh, no. Everybody's leaving."

"Yeah, they are." Ellie had slipped in the Tower and collapsed onto a chair, extremely exhausted.

"Ellie! How'd you do?" Dylan asked.

"Well, if you don't count fixing your guys' mess, then I did nothing." Ellie gulped down some water.

"This is all my fault. I almost drowned an old lady, and I'm pretty sure I broke a guy's nose. I didn't make anybody happy." Lizzie confessed.

"Saved her and fixed him." Ellie commented.

"I didn't do any better." Tyler added.

"Helped clean the old man's eyes." Ellie faked a cough.

"I have a confession. That Ariana Grande thing didn't happen to me, it happened to my cousin, Melanie. Also, I ruined a lot of people's day." Dylan sighed.

Ellie raised an eyebrow.

Lizzie sighed.

"We just made everything worse."

Dylan shook her head.

"Garvin was right. We're the weak link of Junior Rescue. We're dragging the whole program down. If he sees an empty beach, he's gonna kick us out." Dylan panicked.

"No, he's not." Ellie stood up and walked over to the group.

"I would. What's the point of having us on Junior Rescue if there's no one to rescue?" Lizzie refuted.

"She's right, what's the point? What's the point in any of it?" Dylan panicked more.

"Guys, I have an idea. You're not gonna like it, but I'm gonna say it anyways. If we wanna get people back to our beach and make 'em happy, we should throw a party." Tyler explained.

"That's great." Dylan smiled.

"That's terrible." Ellie commented.

"Dylan, just hear me out, okay? People love parties. If we throw a sick one, then everyone'll have to admit we're just as good as the Malibu kids."

"We said we're in." Lizzie said.

"Can you just back off? Wait, you're in?"


"If we're gonna do this, it's gonna have to be the best beach party Malibu's ever seen. We're gonna need supplies." Dylan smiled.

"Don't worry, I got a guy."

"Is it Vooch?" Lizzie and Dylan simultaneously asked.

"Wait, wait, wait. You guys aren't really going to do this thing, right?" Ellie asked.

"Yeah, we're serious." Tyler replied.

"What! Garvin is going to kick you out if he sees you throw a party on our beach! He'll just think that we aren't doing our job." Ellie crossed her arms and frowned.

"Well, it's either he kicks us out for having no people, or he kicks us out for having a lot of people."

"You guys are crazy. I can't believe you're doing this. Trust me, the party is gonna get out of control, and then someone is gonna help you save someone or something. And that person is most likely going to be me." Ellie shook her head.

"Ellie, this is for the good of the beach, okay?" Tyler reached out to Ellie's hand, but she pulled away.

With a huff, she turned away.

"Fine. You guys can throw a party, but I won't be a part of it. I'm gonna find Gina and Eric, and see if they're doing anything better. Actually, anything is better than whatever you guys are going to do. I'll be with Eric and Gina if you decide to change your minds."

Ellie proceeded to walk out of tower and to HQ.

"Ellie..." Tyler said.

"It's okay, Tyler. She'll come around eventually." Dylan put a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I hope so."

"Wow. First argument much?"

Tyler sighed and ran his hand through his hair.



"Okay, it was Vooch, but you kind of stepped on my moment there."

Vooch opened the back of the school bus and pulled out a wooden drawer, which was filled with toys.

"Here it is." Vooch grunted as he pulled the drawer fully out.

"Everything you'd ever need to throw a party."

"Where did you get all this stuff?" Dylan asked, picking up a ball net.

"I confiscated it from the kids on my bus."

"A crossbow?" Lizzie asked, holding the weapon up.

"Oh, no. That's my mom's." Vooch said and took the weapon back.

"I keep it in the bus 'cause I don't trust her."

"This party's gonna be epic." Tyler smiled, holding a fireworks cylinder.


Word Count: 1042 Words

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