EXTRA: Tyler's Family

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"Lizzie." Dylan called out.

The redhead turned around.

"Not to take away from anything you did today, 'cause it was great. But we still have our permission slip problem. Like, you don't have a signed one."

"Don't worry. I'll have it in Garvin's box by tomorrow." Lizzie grinned.

"I spent all day trying to be the she-ro of our tower, but the real she-ro was you all along."

"What's a she-ro?" Lizzie asked.

Dylan smiled and rested her hand on Lizzie's shoulder.

"You are."

They both chuckled and hugged.

Dylan smiled and left the room.

Lizzie remained and glanced around the room for any people that could spot her. She quickly turned around and snatched a yellow permission slip and a pen from the door. 

After scribbling on the paper, the redhead placed the form in the 'completed' section and left the room with a smirk.


"Alright, guys, here we are." Ellie smiled and hopped off the bus, the team right behind her.

They had arrived at Ellie's mansion.

White pillars decorated the home, which was also equipped with 5 pools, 2 of them being hot tubs placed on top of a larger pool that overlooked the driveway. A pristine fountain sat in right in front of the mansion, it's crystal clear water sparking in the sunset. Palm trees, bushes and all sorts of vegetation were scattered throughout the huge plot of the land. Multiple bridges and archways linked separate buildings of the mansion together. There was even a golf course with a view that overlooked the blue Pacific ocean.

"Woah." That was all that was heard from the team.

"Wow. Ellie... this place is so..." Gina's jaw dropped at the sight of the house.

"Boring? Yeah, I know." Ellie muttered and headed towards the building.

"What? No. That's not what I meant. I meant that it was really nice." Gina corrected.

"I know, but after living here for a while on your own, it kinda get's boring. You see the same thing everyday." Ellie explained and headed up the stairs and into her room.

"Let me get my luggage and I'll be right downstairs. I won't be long. Make yourself at home guys." The blond smiled and disappeared into a door.


"Sorry if it's not as grand as your home, Ele." Tyler apologized and opened the door the girl.

After a bit of persuading, Ellie had finally convinced the team to leave her mansion since they had wanted to stay as long as they could.

With a quick "You guys can stay as long as you want. Next time.", the team reluctantly left. Since Ellie would be staying with Tyler until her arm and leg healed, she had packed her essentials and left the white house.

"Tyler, it's wonderful. I love it." Ellie smiled and walked in.

"It's fine is you're saying it just so I don't feel bad." Tyler mumbled, embarrassed.

Dropping her bags, Ellie cupped Tyler's cheeks in her hands.

"Tyler, I mean it. It's wonderful. I never really liked big houses, and maybe because of the fact that my parents are never home in it. So staying in an actually family home makes me so happy. Stop putting yourself down." Ellie kissed Tyler's cheek and took his hand in her own.

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