Chapter 22: Smoothies

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"You don't know who Chote Pavey is?" Logan asked from another table.

"Would I have asked if I did?" Lizzie sassed back.

"Could you be more Valley right now?" Logan rolled her eyes.

"Remember that super rich guy who gave us those Sea Jets? Chote is his son. He throws, like, the best parties in Malibu. I've heard. I've never really been to one." Dylan explained.

"So he's rich. That doesn't mean he gets special treatment." Gina defended herself.

"Uh, that's exactly what it means. Dylan... if your stupid tower got us kicked off of Chote Pavey's party list, I swear..." Spencer stressed.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." A new person walked in.

"Chote! What's up, bro? Oh, uh... I got your board back." Spencer stammered in nervousness.

"Thanks, Spence. Things got pretty intense out there." The rich boy said, staring straight at Gina, who glared right back at him.

"Oh, I heard, bro, and I am so sorry. We've got some Valley rats infesting Tower Two this summer, so..." Spencer said.

"No, it was my bad. I was being an idiot. But somebody had the guts to put me in my place." Chote continued to stare right at Gina.

"It made me realize the amazing job that Junior Rescue does here. You guys work really hard and you don't always get the thanks you deserve. So, to thank you for everything you do, I'm throwing you a party at my house this afternoon." Chote walked over to Gina's table and invited the team members.

"Yes, Chote!" Tyler whooped.

"Too bad we can't go. We've got a job to do. Being lifeguards." Gina retorted, declining the invitation.

"Boo, Gina." Tyler gave a thumbs down.

"No worries. I'll just throw the party at headquarters. I'm sure Garvin will be cool with it, considering all the money my dad's donated."

"Yes, Chote!"

Gina stood up.

"I don't care how much money your dad has. We're not going to your party." Gina crossed her arms.

"Boo, Gina."

"Listen, Gina, you don't have to go if you don't want to. I understand that I can be kind of intimidating."

"You think I'm intimidated by you?" Gina challenged.

"Well you're not coming to my party, so..."

"Oh, I'll be there."

"Yes! We're going to a party! Uh, don't share any pictures. My mom may be Insta-stalking you under an alias." Lizzie turned to Eric.

She's talking right to you. Say something! Anything! 

"It's par-tay time."

Lizzie gave him a confused look.

"See you there. Or should I say, 'here'?" Chote smirked at Gina and walked off.

The girl only crossed her arms and huffed as she sat down.

"Can you believe that guy? Like that game would actually work on anyone." Gina scoffed.

Ellie smirked.

"Well, it definitely worked on you. Chote is really good at convincing people, that's for sure."

Gina rolled her eyes at the comment.

"Oh... my... God!" Dylan squealed, fanning herself with her hands.

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