Five To Six

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"G..Goddess....Magic...?" I felt my voice shaking. Goddess Magic. You had Goddess Magic. "I don't" I asked, yanking my hands away.

"Let me tell you the story of your mother..." Dad said. I crossed my arms and nodded. " It started 18 years ago..."

 I took a deep breath, readying myself for anything he said.

                                                                             18 Years Ago

 Back when I had just become Captain of the Grey Deer, your mother was part of the team. She was incredible. Her grimiore was dark blue with five clovers on it. We never thought much of it at the time, just that maybe...It was something special. Most of the members couldn't understand why she was part of it since she really did only have the time...

"Sometimes they can be so cold..." Your mother said as she fixed her cape. I stared at her lovingly. We were dating, but the squad wasn't aware of it yet.

"They just don't understand your strength. " I said. She puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms.

"They think I'm a joke. They probably think you are as well....since you let me join."

"They can think that all they want. Letting you join was the best decision I made." I said, stepping closer. " You're an amazing mage, Mihoko." She rolled her eyes and brushed her hair back.

" You're only saying that because I'm hot."

"'re definitely attractive..." I kissed her hand and smiled. "...but there is so much more to you."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better..."

"No...I truly mean it.." I chuckled. " Stop doubting yourself."

"Ok ok..." She smirked and pulled me close by my cape. " You're lucky I love you."

"Well you always did have a thing for authority." I chuckled. She pinched my cheek.

"Oh shut up. You're the one that asked me out, Captain Julius." Your mother said, walking towards the door.

"I like that." 

I remember how throughout the time, she would never falter. She kept her courage even in the heat of battle. Soon, they saw how strong she was, despite being a healer. Her healing was so strong that she could cure the pain in someone's heart....but, even your mother had secrets. I could see how much she was truly struggling to keep control. It was like her magic was trying to use her instead. That day replays in my mind, when she told me the truth.



"...I have to tell you something..." She said nervously. I've noticed little changes in her actions. I Thought she was sick. I Thought she was maybe going to leave me.

"Wh-what is it?"

".....It's about my magic..."

"What do you mean?" I said, sighing in a bit of relief.  "What about it?"

"...Well..." She opened her grimiore. I could feel the strong, foreboding aura seeping out of it. She quickly closed it and sighed.

"....Mihoko....What is the meaning of this?" I asked, taken aback.

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