Day With A Lion Part 1

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"So what's it like being in the Crimson Lions?"

We all sat around a table. I was drinking water. Asta sat next to me chowing down on a piece of meat. Lunar and Celeste were playing a card game.

"It's like a big warm family. Captain Fuegoleon is so nice, and Leopold is defiantly crazy. He reminds me of Pluto."

"Who's that?" Asta asked, swallowing the food in his mouth. Lunar leaned back in her chair.

"He's my other...Twin...Triplet brother?"


"I was taken in the same day they were born...I was no more than a few hours deemed me the youngest."

"Oh ok." I sipped my water. 

" many sibling do you have?" Asta asked. Celeste laughed. This was the third time they went through their family.

"Youngest to oldest is Lunar, Pluto and Sunshine. They're 15. Then there's me. I'm 16. Our brother Marrz is 17. Venus is 20 and our brother Arche is 22. In all, there's seven."

"That's a lot of siblings."

"It's fun when we get all together."

"All of your siblings are nice?" I asked. Celeste looked surprised at my question.

"Yeah, we're family. Sure it's not all sugar and spice, but when push comes to shove, we do anything to protect and help." She waved over a waiter. "Why?"

" seems that a lot of noble families treat each other like crap..." I muttered. Celeste ordered some kind of pastry and turned her attention back to me.

"Yeah, Like the Silvas."

"Our brother Arche is in the Silver Eagles. It was surprising when he was asked. They really knew he was strong....but I guess anyone that can call upon the wrath of Jupiter is seen as worthy enough for the Silver Eagles..."

"Wrath of...wait how?" I asked. Celeste jumped back in.

"Well...It's weird...a lot of mages that use elements only use spells based around those said elements and things. Like your healing. My portals. Or my captains fire, but with Arche, his is all different. its like, sand, gas, wind and gravity. His favorite spell is called Jupiter Storm."

"What's that?"

"He creates a  whirlwind of red gas that can surround enemies and kill them if he wanted." Celeste explained. The waiter came back and set down the sweet dessert that was ordered. "Thank you."

"That. Sounds. AWESOME!" Asta shouted. "I wanna fight him!"

"You're a spunky one. Fun."

We finished up our drinks and food. Celeste paid for everything and we left.

"SO! Think you can sneak me into the Black Bulls' hideout?" Celeste said.

"I don't think that's possible....I don't even-....wait are team members from other guilds aloud at other guilds?" I asked. Celeste and Lunar shrugged.

"Either way, I must return to the Golden Dawns, It's been nice catching up with you Celeste...and thank you three for the help." Lunar said, giving a slight bow.

"No problem." I said.

"Yeah! You're a friend anyway!" Asta added. Lunar gave her sister a big hug.

" I'll write to you. I promise." Lunar said. Celeste nodded in agreement. Lunar then floated off like she herself was the broom.

"That's amazing." I said.

"So? Can I see the hideout?" Celeste was persistent. I wanted to say no, but I knew she wouldn't give up. She didn't seem like anyone bad. The Crimson Lions aren't the kind of guild to try to send spies, and, i'm great at reading people. I gave in. Next I knew, we were outside the base. No we didn't use portals, as Celeste said, we wouldn't survive them. She also can't use her transportation portals unless she'd been to the place before.

"Why the hell is one of these red robes here?" Yami asked in his threatening but normal voice. The other Black Bulls didn't look mad, just confused. "This is a hideout not a daycare."

"I-I know Captain, she just insisted on seeing it. I apologize." I said softly. He stared at me before sighing.

"Fine...Least she isn't from that weird haired freaks squad." Yami looked Celeste over. "...Sup."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir.  Captain Fuegoleon speaks about you."

"Eh, who cares." The three of us heard a loud grumble. I looked around be fore looking back at Yami, he didn't look comfortable.

"Um, Captain?"


"B-but, It's not that far! You can walk!" Yelled Finral. He walked up next to the Captain, who gave him a death glare.

"What was that...?"

"..Nothing sir." Finral said, defeated. He opened up a porta to the rest room for Yami. The captain staggered through and the portal closed.

"Poor Finral..." I whispered.

"Finral...Finral Vaude?"

"It's Roulacase actually..." Finral said, looking over in Celeste's direction.

"Oh my gosh,...Holy cow. No wonder when your name came up it was so familiar!"

"Do I know you?" Asked the portal user. Celeste smiled big.

"It's me! Celeste Moonstream!"

Finral's eyes grew wide. His face glowed with excitement.

"C. C!?"


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