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Dear Mom,

 After the whole Seabed temple fighting Vetto thing, I decided to have a talk with Dad over my magic. My team now knows my secret as well, which is also one of the reasons why i need to talk to dad. Here's what happened.

"Sit still Asta!" I yelled. Asta squirmed in his chair, his arms were laying on the table.

"But Freddi it hurts."

"Just relax and i'll have them fixed up." My grimiore floated next to me, glowing gold. 

"You sure you got this?" Noelle asked. 

"Uhhuh. I'm a healing mage...." 

"But what ab-"

"I can do this..." I took a deep breath. "Healing Magic. Graceful touch." A faint golden glow surrounded Asta's arms. The entire squad was watching me. I smiled, thinking i got this until..

"Agh!" Asta yelled. There was a quick flash, sending my grimiore flying back.

"What the...." I ran over and picked my book up. "...Let me try again."


"Let me try again!" 

"Ok ok...." Asta sighed. I rushed over and sat back down.

"Is she ok?" I heard Vanessa asked. I turned back to Asta, my grimiore floating beside me again.

"Ok. Healing Magic, Graceful Touch!" I tried again, focusing even more. The same thing happened, this time my grimiore launched into Captain Yami. I got up again.

"Let me try-"

"You're done."

"What? No! I can-" Yami cut me off with a hand on my shoulder. 

"You're done...."

"No no! Sir! I can do this! I have the power to! I'm strong enough to!" I yelled.

"We never said you weren't..." Said Magna.

"Yeah just calm down." Added Finral.

"I HAVE TO! I HAVE TO BE STRONG ENOUGH TO DO THIS! IT'S IN MY BLOOD! I HAVE TO BE POWERFUL ENOUGH!" I yelled. Vanessa helped re-sling Asta's arms. He then got up and walked over to me.

" Freddi you just need to train more and you-"


"Freddi why are you saying this? You'll get there in ti-"

"I HAVE TO BE STRONG! I'M THE WIZARD KING'S DAUGHTER!" I yelled. Everyone stared at me, shocked. I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath. "....My name is Freddi...Freddi Novachrono....I'm King Julius' daughter..."

The hideout was silent for a moment. I didn't look any of them in the eyes. Yami sighed heavily and pulled me into a hug.

"You feel better now?" 

"...mmhm..." I nodded. He patted me on the head and let go. I looked at Asta, who stood there with his mouth wide open.


"...Ye...yeah...I'm really sor-"

"THAT'S SO COOL!" Asta shouted. Suddenly the entire team was surrounding me, asking me questions.

"So the rumor is true!?" Asked Magna.

"Your mom was The Mage With Golden Hair?" Asked Vanessa.

"You still don't hold a flame to my lovely Marie." Gauche added.

The Wizard King's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now