Beach Therapy

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Dear Daddy,

So you remember how you called us in and you told us we had to go on the super secret mission? We had to travel to some weird town under water or something to retrieve a stone? Well let me tell you, the report that you got holds nothing in comparison to what actually happened. So sit down, get comfortable, and get a good drink because this is going to be wild.

We landed at the beach, but the weird thing is that all of us weren't there. Most of us were, including Gray, who changed into Gordan. BUT WE FORGOT GORDAN. I felt so so so SO BAD. He honestly deserves more respect, he's creepy and quiet but I love him. He's like....scary cool. I'm getting off topic. Ok. Anyway, we landed on the beach.

" Awwww yeah! Some fun in the sun!" Vanessa yelled. I never get over how nonchalant most of the Black Bulls are. Gouche. Gauche. Wait how does he spell his name again?

Whatever not important.

He was staring at a picture of Marie again but GET THIS. Turns out he's not some creepy sister lover. I mean, over protective brother that takes things too far sometimes, yeah, but apparently his nose bleeds when he thinks about someone he cares for.

It's both sweet and kind of weird.

"So Captain what's the plan?" I asked.

"The pipsqueak here is going to take us under the water." He said, pointing to Noelle. She stood there in shock for a moment.

"! Sir.... Captain I don't have that power!"

"You're the only one that uses water. The entire mission is riding on you."

"Sir! Don't you think the pressure is kind of a bad thing?" I asked.

"Listen here princess, She's going to get all the pressure I give her." He turned to Noelle. "We have 3 days till we leave so you better straighten your shit out."

"Y-yes sir..." Noelle squeaked. Captain Yami walked away, leaving the 3 of us.

"... Why did he call you princess?" Asta asked. I straightened up a bit, trying to think of what to say to cover my ass.

"Uh... I guess he called me that because I act a little....royal?"

".... Makes sense to me!" Asta agreed. I sighed in relief.

"AH! There's no way I can do this! How am I supposed to safely get us to the bottom of the ocean!!"

"You use a spell." I said. She looked at me, worried.

"You know I don't have control!"

"'s ok.... remember what Captain Fugey said.....there's no shame in being weak, the shame is in not getting stronger."



"Freddi is right. You got this!" Asta reassured.

We stayed by Noelle's side the entire time. She's a great mage but her control needs some work. It was getting dark and she still couldn't do it. Asta was passed out on my shoulder. Yeah it may sound like a cute picture but spoiler alert, he snores and drools.

"Noelle it's getting late. You should rest."

"I can't! I'm nowhere close to where I have to be! I-i can't fail!" Her voice was shaking from exhaustion. She dropped to her knees. I ran over and kneeled down.

"You can't over exert yourself.... It's not healthy..."

"It's not's not fair!"

"... Noelle..."

"Why can't I do it!? Why can't I be a strong mage like my older siblings!?"

I hugged her tightly, healing her in the process.

"You have to stop comparing yourself to those bastards..... you're not like them.... you're kind hearted and you're a great friend....why are you so bent about what they say?"

"Because...I'm the youngest of house Silva.....when my mother had me.....i-i killed her....she died during childbirth....i-it was my-"

"No! Don't you dare take that burden on yourself! That was not your fault.....I....I have...a secret.... But you have to promise me you won't tell anyone else."

"What about Asta?"

"DEFINITELY don't tell him."

"Ok? What is it?"

I stepped back and took a deep breath.

"My name is Freddi, Freddi Novachrono...."

"Novachro-" Noelle gasped and jumped back. "L-like the Wizard King?!"

"Shhhh. Yea....yea....he's kinda my dad ..."

"Your dad- so you're the lost princess! Oh it all makes sense the now! The 6 clover grimoire, the secrecy on why you never said a last name. Why those shop owners where so nice... Why you have no fear when you stand up for yourself.... I don't get it...."


"You could have been in any Magic Knight group....if everyone knew." Noelle said. I crossed my arms and sighed.

"I know. That's why I kept it a secret. I wanted a group that would encourage me to work at my powers instead of keeping me as some object because of my name...I wanna get stronger and become the Wizard King like my father..."

"Cause they won't give it to you...."

"Nope.... doesn't work that way."

"So why not tell..." Noelle motioned to the still passed out Asta. I chuckled and looked over to him.

"....I don't want him to think I'm some crazy royal....or that I'm stronger than him because of my dad....cause I'm not....I love my dad and everything....but I'm not him...I'm not that strong, yet....." I took out my grimoire and ran my fingers over the clovers. "....I want to be a powerful mage that can help....I wanna be like my mom....a healer that can save people...that's strong enough to go against what's in her and I are similar....we both want to get stronger to prove to others we aren't worthless."

"It's not that simple....we aren't have your father that loves you and people would respect you even if you weren't stronger because you're the wizard Kings daughter....I'm nothing but a worthles-"

"There's more too you than a damn name! Who cares if you're a Silva! You cares if I'm a Novachrono! We are not our names. We are who we want to be! No one knew who I was and those other Magic Knight groups all mocked me cause I heal people....and that's fine. Because I KNOW I'll train and get stronger and prove them all wrong. "


"And you can too. Train your magic. Prove them wrong. Prove them all wrong. You're better than them. You're a powerful mage that holds herself back with doubts from her older siblings who know NOTHING about how amazing you are!" I reached out my hand and smiled. "Let's train together. Let's get stronger and prove all of them wrong. Let's be the runt royals that rise to the top!"

".....Freddi...." She wiped her eyes and grabbed my hand tight. She smiled. "I think you've been hanging with Asta too much."

"Nah....that's all's train."

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