Noble ClASSes

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"Your brother...?" I looked at Yuno then to Asta. "I don't see the resemblance..."

"We were raised together..." Yuno walked forward. Asta fist bumped him.

"And we both wanna be the Wizard King."

".... Well that's cool. You'll never beat me but I love the enthusiasm." I cracked my knuckles to try and intimidate Yuno. He gave me an emotionless stare.

"Yuno, this is the newest Black Bull member, you have a last name?"

"...No it's....just Freddi..."

"... What's your affinity....?" Yuno asked. I opened my grimoire, careful to not show the clovers on it.


"So you're like Mimosa...."

"Who's Mimosa?" I asked. Noelle stepped forward.

"Mimosa is my cousin. She uses healing magic. She's helped me and Asta many times."

"Oh cool."

"In fact.... she's normally with Yuno and....who's that?" Noelle asked. The nameless girl next to Yuno pulled down her hood.

"... I'm Lunar....Lunar Moonstream."

"She's the Golden Dawn's newest member." Yuno stated. Lunar stayed quiet. Noelle and I stared at her in awe.

"You're.... really Lunar? You're the youngest of the Moonstreams?!" I yelled. Lunar put her finger to her lips, motioning for me to quiet down.

"What's so cool about the Moonstreams?" Asta asked. Yuno face palmed.

"Asta, have you learned nothing from being a magic knight?"

"Hey!! I learned alot!"

"Not about Nobles..."

"Oh! Is she a Noble??" Asta asked. Lunar shook her head.

".... It's complicated..." Lunar whispered.

"Oh my gosh. Asta, be more considerate." Noelle added. Asta raised his arms in frustration.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" I patted his back.

"Alright take a deep breath. The Moonstreams are a powerful noble family who's magic circles around celestial bodies..."


"Space. Asta. They use space magic." Yuno said. Lunar nodded lightly.

"They were a mainly high respected family of four, till the day the youngest two were born..." Lunar continued. "On the same day, my dad went outside to have a cigarette. There I was, a newborn child in a basket left in the cold air. He took me in and both my parents raised me as theirs."

"... That's so....sweet. I don't see the problem. Were they mean? Do your siblings hate you?" Asta asked

"No not at all. They love me with all their heart. My family was raised and taught not to look down on others because of wealth and strength. We were raised to respect everyone. The Moonstreams we're always on the verge of being a disgrace to other Nobles though, my mother is not a born Noble."

"...Does that really matter?"

"To others, yes. To my father, nothing like that matters....he says he fell for my mother the moment she challenged him. He knew she was the one...and after that his side of the family started disappearing from us...they wanted nothing to do with an unclean bloodline."

"That's so wrong."

"Most Nobles wanted nothing to do with the Moonstreams." I said. Noelle brushed a piece of her hair back.

"Including us Silvas. My oldest brother says the Moonstreams are a plague among noble names."

"Your oldest brother is an ass." I said. Noelle glared at me.

"My oldest brother is Nozel Silva, captain of the Silver Eagles."

"Again, your oldest brother is an ass. I don't care if he's oldest of the SIlvas or a Knight Captain. Being a noble shouldn't mean you can look down upon those below you. It's not right. It's disgraceful and honestly I believe any noble that looks down on others should be stripped of their name." I said. Everyone stared at me. Lunar gave a slight smile. 

" That's so right!" Asta shouted. Noelle looked down.

"Don't get me wrong, Noelle. I don't hate you. You're a cool girl and a cooler friend. I just hate snobby nobles."

I do. Something about people thinking they can walk all over another person or family because they aren't as rich or powerful. People should just have respect for each other. Why is that so difficult to achieve? I know that some people are just disrespectful from the start and I know I won't be able to reach everyone, but if someone is nice? Be nice to them, regardless of if they're noble or not.

Asta waved his hand in my face. I blinked a few times.

"Oh sorry."

"You alright? You kinda zoned out." Asta asked. He looked worried. I gave him a kind smile.

"I'm alright. Don't worry about me." I looked at Lunar. She stared blankly to the distance. Hey Lunar."


"Regardless of what anyone says, I think your family is pretty cool."

"Thank you.." She smiled again. I held out my hand.

"And even though we're on different squads, I hope we can be friends."

"...I'd like that." Lunar said, shaking my hand. I smiled.

"Great! Friends forever!" I let go of her hand. " Oh what's your affinity?"

"Telekinesis and clairvoyance." Lunar said, opening her grimoire. I caught a glimpse of the front. She had only one clover on it.  She levitated into the air.

"Woah that's so cool!" Asta yelled. Noelle crossed her arms.

"It's alright..." 

"...She's strong. That's why she's now my partner....That and our captain decided to put the newbie with me." Yuno explained. A small rock lifted off the ground and hit him in the arm. "Ow...not funny."

"I thought it was humorous." Lunar said, gently landing back on the ground. I reached out my hand and touched Lunar's grimoire.


"Um....What are you doing?" Noelle asked. I pulled back my hand and looked at Lunar. She, herself, looked surprised I had noticed. She nodded slightly.

"She...only has one clover...a rare grimoire....Not as rare as a four or...Asta's...but still."

"That's awesome! You're really powerful huh!?" Asta shouted. I lifted my grimoire up and uncovered the clovers.

"I'm also not a three grimoire has six clovers..." I said. Lunar and Noelle gasped. Yuno raised an eyebrow. Asta looked confused.

"You really are just like her...the mage with golden hair...." Noelle whispered. 

"What do you mean Noelle?" Asta asked. I lifted my grimoire up.

"The six leaf grimoire." I started. "It was hers."

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