Day With A Lion Part 2

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"Look at you! You've grown so much!" Finral hugged the Crimson Lion mage tightly. "I can't believe you're a Crimson Lion. That's great!"

"I know! I heard you're a Black Bull! That's amazing."

"Heh...well....It's not the best team...." Finral scratched the back of his head.

"Doesn't matter. You're still a Magic Knight." 

"How do you two know each other?" I asked. Celeste smiled at me.

"My family basically sees him as an honorary Moonstream."

"That's so cool." Asta said. Finral looked away, embarrassed. Celeste patted his shoulder.

"Finny is a strong mage."

"No I'm not. I'm just used for shortcuts...." Finral muttered. 

"Don't say that." I stepped forward. "There's so much more to you."

"Thanks, but I'm nothing compared to Celeste. She uses Spaciel Magic but it's so much stronger. She can use it to travel and to crush things. I just..."

"Finral you're amazing....You just have to find your way of using it." Celeste said. Finral smiled.

"Right. Thanks C.C."

"She's sooooooo cute." Slurred Vanessa from the couch. Celeste looked over to the barely dressed mage.


"That's Vanessa. Don't mind her...."

"Well, she's fun....Who's the guy with the nose bleed?"

"Oh, that's Gauche....He's.....looking at a picture of his little sister." Finral explained.

"How dare you even mention Marie. You aren't worthy of her name nor even the thought of her!"

"Hey! That's rude! You can't talk to me like that!" Finral lowered his voice to a grumble. "I'm your superior."

"HEY! That's uber creepy! You're some gross sister lover!?" 

Gauche stood up from his seat. Finral started to panic as the mad Mirror Mage made his way over to the Crimson Lion. I had my hand on my grimiore. Asta did the same.

"What was that..." Gauche's grimiore floated next to him. "Take that back..."

"No. It's so weird...."

"There is nothing weird about my love for Marie. She's my everything. Ah...Marie..."

"Oh my god....You shouldn't be near her...."

"How DARE you." Gauche lifted his hand. A mirror appeared beside him. "Begone!" The mirror blasted out a bright light. The room filled with gasps. Finral had his eyes covered.

"Oh my god Gauche no! What did you do?!"

"Chill Finny." Celeste never moved from her spot. Instead, a small black hole was where the mirror light went to hit. "Nice try, but a black hole absorbs all light....none can enter."

"You're pissing me off!"

"Gauche calm down!" I yelled. He never looked at me.

"Stay out of this you pest."

"That was uncalled for Gauche!" Asta said. I gave him a smile to say thank you. Celeste's black hole disappeared. Finral stepped in between the feuding mages. He was obviously scared, but tried not to show it.

"H-hey.....Gauche....this is getting a little out of hand don't you think..." The portal mage's voice cracked slightly. He nervously scratched the side of his cheek. "J-just lay off."

"Never. She has insulted me and my beloved Marie!"

"What the hell is with the yelling....geez...can't a guy take a dump in peace anymore?" Yami walked out from the toilet, fixing his pants. He stared at Gauche, Finral and Celeste. "What the hell are you three doing?"

"I was going to end her life. She has insulted my love for Marie." Gauche explained. Celeste rolled her eyes.

"Oh my god...." she whispered. Yami groaned.

"Let it go."

"...Hmph....only if she apologizes..."

"Seriously?" Celeste said. Finral turned his head to her.


"....Fine.....Fine...I'm sorry..." Celeste said, crossing her arms. I knew she didn't mean it, but Yami was annoyed at the argument and what he says, goes. Gauche's grimoire floated back into his holder. He walked away without another word. Finral took a deep breath and dropped to he knees.

"Oh man....My heart can't take that..."

"Finny why did you interfere? I had it covered."

"S-sorry....I saw that attack and got scared. I was worried he'd hurt you..."

"Wow Finral! That took guts!" Asta yelled.

"You're so brave!" I added. He gave a small smile.

"Heh...Keep telling yourself that...."

Celeste hung out with us for another three hours. She even tried to teach Finral some tricks. Grey transformed into her and had a field day using the portals. Vanessa tried to get Celeste to use her magic so that she wouldn't have to hold the bottle. Yami basically ignored her the entire time, or tried too. Luck demanded to fight, to which Celeste denied but said she would fight him another day. Magna and her had an arm wrestling contest. She's really strong. Noelle found Celeste annoying. Charmy was nice enough to share her food and even Gordan had fun. Sadly no one could hear anything he said but me.

"A new friend from a different guild makes me happy. I hope to one day be friends with everyone."

He really is a sweetheart. 

When it was time for her to go, Asta and I volunteered to show her back to her guild. She gave Finral a hug, walked outside, and opened one of her Black Hole Portals. How convenient. 

"Oh one more thing." She asked. "What is with that bird?"

"Huh? Oh! That's Nero." Asta said, raising his hand to his head. Nero pecked at it. "OW! Knock it off!"

"He's strange....and he kinda has your hair style...."

"I think he's rather cute." I said. Nero glided over to me and snuggled against my neck.

"Yeah....I guess he is...well catch ya later, Bulls!"

"See ya Celeste!"

"Take care!"

Who would have thought that I'd meet such interesting friends being in this squad. I feel like the longer i'm here, the more I can be myself without being judged. Maybe at one point I can tell them who I really am. I still think Captain Yami knows already. Did you tell him? That would NOT be fair, no matter how long you knew him. Anyway, I'm sure I'll have more to write to you about soon. Till then, take care Daddy.

                  ~Love, Freddi.

        P.S. : Gauche is totally too creepy about his sister.

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