Best Sparing Ever

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Uggggggh. My arms feel like they're killing me. I don't know how long I'm going to write but I figured I'd tell you how my training has been going. It's been a little over two weeks since the last letter? I've been working my butt off like the captain suggested. On the bright side I have been getting stronger. I have to tell you about my recent spar with Asta. So earlier today we were out in the field. And since I haven't exactly figured out how to use my magic for fighting, we were doing hand to hand combat. Don't worry, he fought me fair and square. Here's how it went.

"You really are strong." I said blocking one of Asta's punches. My arms we're starting to turn black and blue from all the hits.

"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself. Do you want to take a break?"

Despite the fact that I wanted to continue training, I figured it would be best.

"Yeah. We should probably drink some water before getting back into it." I stepped back and sat down on the ground. Asta fell backwards, exhausted. " Do you want some water?" I asked. I was holding up my canteen.

"Na. I have my own special mixture."

"I am terrified as to what it could be...."

"Want some?"

"Noooooo." I said, drinking my own. He's a dork. He's silly and he's kind of cute, but he is a dork. "So Asta, why do you want to be the Wizard King?"

"Because they're the strongest mage in the country! And I wanna be the strongest!!" Asta yelled. He opened his canteen and chugged its contents.

" Um."

"Agggh...but also, I wanna show everyone that even though I'm a magicless commoner I can still be strong. I will prove to everyone that it doesn't matter of you're royalty or not! Or if you have magic!"

"Whoa..... you're so noble...." I drank my water and smiled. " That's exactly why my dad is the wizard king..." I muttered.


"Nothing!!" I jumped up to my feet and stretched. I decided to take off my cloak since it was getting hot. DO TO THE TRAINING. I SWEAR.

Asta must had felt the sun's heat too cause he decided to take off not only his cloak, but his shirt as well. Let me tell you, he's fit. Like. Wow. Enough with the gawking...but yeah I was. What was I supposed to do? I was looking at him, feeling my face beginning to grow red.

"You ok?"

"Y....yeah....I'm alright...."

"Are you sick?"


"You sure you don't want some of my mixture? It'll make you feel much better, and stronger!"

"Noooooo." I responded. I sat my canteen down and took out my pigtails. Asta stared at me as I retied my hair into a ponytail.

".....Your hair is pretty."


"Yeah, it's like....super long and golden. It's pretty." Asta sat his canteen down and walked over. He gently grabbed one of the strands and ran his hand through it. " Whoa it's soft too!"

"....Y-you're being weird...." I muttered. Asta chuckled and scratched the back of his head.

"Oh woops. My bad!" He stepped back and blushed from embarrassment. "Should we continue training?"


We started our training again. I landed a good few hits, making him stumble and even fall back. He was impressed.

"You're great Freddi!"

"Of course I am! I'm gonna be the Wizard King!" I yelled. He smirked and started swinging faster. I blocked with my arms before sweeping my leg under his to trip him. He jumped over and tripped me from behind. Before I fell I spun around and grabbed his arm, making him fall too.


"Um....uh....s-sorry...." I mumbled. Asta was bracing himself up on his arms. I still had my hand gripped firmly on the one.

"It's alright. Are you ok? Did I hurt you?"

"No....not at all..."

" Why aren't you looking at me?" He asked. I turned my gaze to the muscular boy staring down at me.

" You do know you're on top of me right?"

"Yeah? Wait. AH!" He jumped off and scrambled back against a tree. "IM SORRY."



"Asta!" I sat up and scootched over to him. " Asta calm down..."

"I don't know what's going through my head right now!?"

"What do you mean?"

"I love sister why do I feel like this to you?"

".....To me?"

Asta turned to me and grabbed my chin. He leaned closer and kissed my on the lips. It was so sudden I didn't know how to react. When he pulled away I sat there in shock. He got even more flustered.

"AH! Wait I didn't even ask you! I'm sorry!"

"....Do that again..."


"Kiss me again."

" you sure?"

"Yeah. Kiss me again...."

So he did. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. It felt nice. It kind of felt right.

Why am I telling you this? Well....since earlier today we've been closer. I think he's my boyfriend? Right? Is that how it works?

Please don't kill him. I'm almost 16. Don't baby me.

I think that's it for now, my arms hurt and it's time for dinner. I'll write again soon I promise. Till then, lots of love.

Love, Freddi.

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