Finished Letter

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 "I don't understand..." Noelle said in awe. "Her grimoire picked you. I mean, I do understand why" 

"That's a lot of pressure." Lunar added. I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah. I want to be just like her. When i'm Wizard King, I also want to be just as kind hearted. I want people to come to me for help. I don't hold grudges. I don't exactly hate anyone and I think that's why I'm so much like her. " I said. Of course I'm so much like her. She is my mom after all. Well, was. "...Like I said before, my father told me stories. On how amazing she was. How beautiful. How helpful."

"Cause the  Wizard King would tell him...?" Asta asked. 

"Oh. Yeah. So many...stories of their missions. Love. Even their wedding that was held secretly. I heard it all...more then once in fact."

"No offense to your Pops, but he kinda sounds like he stalked her more than heard stories." Asta said. I snorted a laugh.

"It does, doesn't it?" I started. "Well...I can't father was very attracted to her. He loved her....very much....they were friends."

"What about your mother?" Noelle asked. held my grimoire close.

"Of course. My mother meant everything to him. She was his world...then I was born and she passed. I became the most important thing to him. I still am. In fact, he almost didn't want me to be a knight. He was afraid I'd get hurt or...killed...but after I told him I wanted to follow in m-...the Golden Mage's footsteps and also become Wizard King...he agreed."

That wasn't a lie. All is completely true. I just didn't mention my dad is the actual Wizard King and that my mom was the Mage with the Golden Hair. That isn't important. Right?

"What about the most important secret barely anyone knows?" Lunar muttered. All our attention was now on her. She looked at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked. She stared me right in the eyes.

"That they had a child together before the Golden Mage died."

I stiffened. Noelle and Asta gasped. Yuno didn't look at all surprised. Lunar nodded.

"How do you know that?" I felt my throat getting dry.

"Being the youngest, I get to hear all the passed down rumors...but by your expression, I'd say it's true. At least to some extent. Right?"

"..Is it?" Noelle askede. I scratched my head slightly.

"Well...uh...s-sorta. I didn't hear all the story but apparently they did have a child together...but they put her up for adoption after the Golden Mage died. The Wizard King just couldn't raise a child himself...I think."

"...So...let me get this right. The Wizard King's daughter lives somewhere and...thinking about this...she should be our age!"

" just do math, Asta?" Noelle tilted her head.

" We should find her!"

"No!" I cleared my throat. "I mean...that's ridiculous. She may not even be in the country anymore."

They stared at me with confused looks. Asta patted my shoulder.

"We can try. Don't you think if she's here, If we can find her, she deserves to know her true dad. Hell, maybe she's wicked powerful! The daughter of two incredibly powerful mages, she could be unstoppable! Maybe she's already on a Magic Knight squad!"

"Idiot, If anyone that powerful existed, we would know. Especially with a combination of both time and healing." Noelle flipped her hair. "I certainly would. After all, I'm a Silva."

Should I tell them? No. I can't. That would be stupid. Let them think that the actual child is somewhere else. That's better. I think. I don't know anymore. What do I do?

We finally finished all the errands. Even Yuno and Lunar followed around. Yuno said it's because they had to go to the same places, but it was totally because they enjoyed our company. I think I even saw Yuno smile when Asta told a joke. He's really cool. Asta, not Yuno. Well....he is too. 

Upon arriving back at the hideout, I gave Captain Yami everything. You know how he can be, all we got was a muttered " actually did it."

To be honest dad, how did you and mom handle his careless attitude? He seems to not care. I'm sure he's actually very protective but at this point, it looks like all he cares for is booze, cigs, and sleep. I'll keep you up to date as much as possible Dad. I love you.

              ~ Freddi Novachrono

                       P.S. : My Friends still think you stalked mom no matter how I try to rephrase everything. Sorry!

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