Bars Are Fun

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Asta, Noelle and I walked down the street, searching for any of the stores we needed. People stared at us. Some smiled and others whispered to each other. We didn't care, at least, I didn't. I was too excited to be out with my new Magic Knight's cloak.

"A bar?" Noelle said as we stopped outside. She shook her head in disapproval. "What the hell could he need from a bar?"

"Can we even get anything?" Asta asked. "We're too young...Right?"

"Since we're magic knights, maybe they'll let us slide." I answered, walking through the door. Asta immediately followed after. Noelle stood outside, grumbling.

"Whoa it's so cool in here."

"It's ok." I said. See, I actually knew this bar very well. When I was younger, I'd run away from my guards and hide. They'd panic and end up fetching my dad. I was always found in the broom closet with a glass of juice and a small jar of peanuts. I wasn't locked in, but I liked being alone in there. The owner was very nice and took great care of me till my dad would walk in with one of his disguises on. The owner was suspicious at first but soon caught on. Luckily, he kept it a secret from others. It's been ten years since then, the owner passed away not long ago and gave the bar to his son.

"Welcome Magic Knights."

"Hi!" I ran right up to the bar and motioned for the owner to come close. When he did I told him everything. "Hey...I use to come here a lot as a child...your father basically became a babysitter." I whispered. A smile crossed his face.

"Oh I heard stories about you. Princess Freddi." He whispered back. He stood up straight and cleared his throat. "It's a pleasure to have you two in my bar, although a little young...I'm Gio."

"I'm Asta and this is Freddi." Asta said. "We came here to get something for our Captain."

"Oh alright, what do you need?"

"I don't know how to pronounce it." I said as I slid the paper over. Gio looked at It for a second before nodding.

"Ok sure. Bottle of Mead. I have the good stuff in the back. Wait right here." He walked through a door behind the bar and disappeared from view. I stood next to Asta, slightly humming.

"Well...well..." slurred an older man. He was in his late thirties, maybe early forties, and well muscular. He was obviously trashed. "Buncha pipsqueak knights....When I was your age we didn't let such babies...join..."

"Sir, we're just here to get something. We'll be gone in a few..." Asta said. The older man mumbled something we couldn't understand before staggering his way to us. The smell of booze in his breath was too strong that I had to turn my head to breathe.

"What's wrooong cupcake...Can't handle the breath of a true man?"

"Sir, you're making me uncomfortable..." I backed up till I was right next to Asta. He stuck his arm out in front of me.

"Back off and leave us alone."

"Or think I'm scared of tiny boy? You're not even a g-good Magic Knight. " The man hiccupped. "You're a bull...a bull...the weakest one."

"Hey! Don't you dare mock the Black Bulls!" I shouted. It was enough to make Asta jump and other costumers to turn around. "The Black Bulls is a great team! Sure it's not a sophisticated as the Golden Dawn or stingy like the Silver Eagles. Who cares? We're still knights! We help people! It's still a huge honor to be apart of it!"

The older man huffed his alcohol-filled breath in my face. I covered my nose and gagged. Asta pushed me farther behind him till I was between him and the wall.

"Your team takes the weakest members....I heard the stories....This boy here can't even use magic..." He turned to face the others in the bar. "WHAT MAGIC KNIGHT CAN'T USE MAGIC?"

"He's a freak!" shouted a man in the back.

"He shouldn't be aloud in the country!" shouted another. Asta was starting to shake.

"Don't listen to them. You're a Magic Knight...even if you can't use magic Captain Yami saw something in you." I whispered. I heard him take a deep breath and sigh. He turned his head and looked at me.


"What's taking so long?" Noelle asked as she walked in. The older man spun around to face her.

"Here's the other runt of the bulls. The Silva that can't control her own power. No wonder her own family can't stand her, she's a disgrace to her name!" The room filled with laughter. Some of the costumers started throwing their drinks.

"I...I..." Noelle's eyes began to fill with tears. I pushed Asta's arm down and grabbed a bottle of the bar counter.

"Enough!" I chucked the bottle, hitting the older man in the side of the head. He fell back onto the floor.

"What the he- Hey!"

"Who cares If she isn't on the same team as her siblings? She wouldn't want to be! They're rude and stingy and have no respect for commoners! Being a noble might mean money but it also means a bunch of stuck up snobs. If you ask me, the Silvas don't deserve to be Magic Knights! It's the job of the Knights to protect our country and be loyal to the Wizard King. Sure they're loyal, but you can't call yourself a protector if all you care about is protecting only Nobles."

"F-Freddi..." Noelle wiped her eyes. Asta placed his hand on my shoulder. He was shaking with anger again, but he said nothing.

"Noelle is better than them. She's better than most nobles!"

"Why should we care what you say!?" shouted a woman, she chugged her beer and threw the bottle. I grabbed it.

"One day I will be the Wizard King, and when that day comes, I will make it my job to change the way people see each other. Everyone will have respect for one another. Noble or not, we're all humans!"

"Here you go. The best Mead we got." Gio set down the bottle. He wrapped it up to make sure it wouldn't break during travel. "I hope you have a bag."

"Don't worry. How much do we owe?" I reached into my pocket to pull out my yule pouch. Gio patted my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. Let's say it's a friendly gesture ok? Say hi to your father for me."

"Thanks Gio." I grabbed the bottle and headed out the door. Noelle and Asta followed me out.

"Hey...Freddi...Thanks for sticking up for me...You're pretty cool...I guess."

"You handled that like a pro. Normally I scream and wanna fight....Actually I still wanna fight that son of a...hey what did Gio mean? He knows your dad? How did you not have to pay?"

"Well dad is a regular...was anyway, back when Gio's dad ran the place. I use to play hide and seek....and Gio's dad became like my baby sitter."

"That's sweet...what happened?" Noelle asked. I bit my lip.

" day my dad started taking his job seriously and on top of that...Gio's dad fell ill and passed."

"That's so sad." Noelle said, bowing her head.

"...What's your dad do?"

"Seriously Asta?!" She yelled.

"What I'm curious!"

"Oh he's...a personal guard..." I said. Asta's eyes widened.

"L-like for the Wizard King!?"



"Asta you're making a scene!" Noelle shouted. I started laughing.

"He's so enthusiastic. I love it. Let's go. We still have a few things to get for the Captain."

"No! Freddi I wanna hear stories! Does you dad talk about him? Is he super cool?"

"Asta, I promise to tell you stories once we're done. We don't want to piss off the captain, do we?"

Asta's face turned pale.

"Not at all, let's go."

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