Chapter Twenty Nine

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The doctor was laying on his bed, his back facing the door. He fumbled with his wedding band, staring at it distantly. He frowned deeply, his eyebrows knitted together. He hadn't left his room since Skye left. He didn't want to and didn't know what to say. He loved his family and was glad to see everyone, but it really hit him hard that June wasn't present.

He closed his eyes tightly as he gripped the ring, shaking. He wished he wasn't so closed off when upset. Optimus was the only one he talked to when upset, then it became June. But now both people had disappeared somewhere and he didn't feel ready to open up to someone new. But he felt he did need to move on, he began to sit up, putting the ring back onto his finger. The old doctor wanted to see his grandsons. He got up and opened the door, surprised to see Raf but wasn't too surprised. 

The father blinked in surprise as he stared at him, his fist raised a little to knock. "Ratchet... are you okay?" He asked quietly, wanting to tend to his friend. Or at least help him.

Ratchet blinked then nodded, then smiled a tiny bit. "I'm alright... I.... I apologize for... just coming into my room. I... needed a moment to myself. Where is Hunter and Adrien?" He asked as his curiosity perked, glancing around.

"It's okay... I know it's overwhelming..." he whispered quietly and gently gripped his shoulders. "They and the others are sleeping for now." He whispered as he watched him. "Come... join us while we wait for everyone to get back... if you'd like to." He said gently. 

The medic nodded some, wanting to join him. He followed the man into the main room, looking around. He noticed Quinn was awake and smiled a bit, walking to the girl, sitting down at the table beside her. "Hello Quinn, how are you?"

"I'm amazing." She grinned up at him as she colored. She loved to color and seemed to get better each time. "How you?" She asked and looked at him. 

Ratchet watched her draw then looked at her. "I'm well." He said calmly then looked back to her drawings, curious. He tilted his head to try to see what she drew from her angle. 

She was drawing him as a robot and he was sitting in the grass staring at the sky. "Him sad." She said as she colored some flowers. "He missing something." She mumbled and looked at the doctor. 

Ratchet blinked, surprised. He frowned a bit, looking at Quinn. He thought for a moment. "Why draw him sad?" He asked quietly.

"He always sad in pictures." She said and looked at the drawing then at him. "Miko said he never happy... but daddy said he was once... but he always sad." She said and grabbed a blank paper before drawing again. "Him heart sad and missing things..." she whispered quietly as she drew a heart to show him what she meant. 

His eyebrows furrowed. "That isn't true..." he muttered but he never noticed. Was he always sad? He looked at the drawing quietly. "Why would Miko tell you that I-er- he is sad?" 

"She said he always yell and angry... but I think he just sad. Because Daddy say he misses him home and family." She explained and went to the other drawing. "See? He looking for his home." She said. 

The old doctor watched her quietly, his chest tightening a bit. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched her. "Well... you are quite smart aren't you?" He smiled a bit. 

"No. Daddy just told me stories and Mikos phone showed me pictures." She said as she smiled brightly and looked at him. She kept coloring and he noticed a black figure with a red eye and purple eye. He was standing over a field and looking at it. He looked as if his intent was one of evil.

Ratchet's eyes narrowed as he looked at it. He gently pointed to it. "And what is this?" He asked quietly, glancing at Quinn.

"Him bad guy." she whispered and looked up at him. "He fights hero and he not nice." she said as she pulled it out then another that looked like Optimus was fighting a black figure with red eyes. "He's mean to nice bot." she explained and colored more.

I've Forgotten You (TFP AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz