~28~ Paris!

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*A/N - Woah guys, over 700 reads? Thank you!! This is honestly incredible, I didn't think I'd get any reads for my books so I'm actually so glad you guys are reading it.

I'm hoping to do a Halloween special to be released this month sometime, but not sure if I should have it canon to the storyline or as a standalone. What do you guys think?

Sorry for such a short, boring and fluff filled chapter this time guys, this was more of a filler leading up to some eventful things coming up. Just hold on tight okay?

As always, add, comment, vote and follow! Love you all❤️*


And then we take off.


My eyes shut instantaneously and my grip on Levi's hand and the armrest tightens. I feel a soft peck on the side of my forehead and I open an eye to peak at Levi who is chuckling softly to himself as he sits back in his chair so I quickly shut it again.

It's not like I've never been on a plane before, because I have, but it was just such a long time ago I barely remember it. Plus I was a child, I was just excited to be going somewhere. Not forgetting the underlying sadness from my past trauma of course.

It was an adventure for Mikasa and I, we were excited to be going somewhere new and thrilling. We were going to a new country, a new house, new 'family' and a new school. We'd even have new friends, it was scary but all so exciting at the same time. But we'd still have eachother whatever happened.

"Hey, look out the window, we're in the air now." Levi leans over and says softly in my ear. I open my eyes slowly to look into his. He nods his head and gives me a reassuring smile so I turn my head to look out of the small window. Straight away, my hand shoots out of Levi's and the grip on the armrest lessens.

"Oh my God, Levi!" I say and turn back to him with a huge grin. "That view is incredible!" I can see the whole country from up here. It looks beautiful.

"Told you it'd be fine." He laughs and unbuckles his belt.

I panic slightly to see him getting out of his chair. "Levi, what are you doing?"

"The belt light is off, it means we can walk around the cabin now." He points to the three pictures above us, 'no smoking', 'seatbelt' (which is no longer lit up) and a person which I assume is to call for assistance.

"Oh okay. Where are you going?" I ask quizzically.

"No where. Just getting something from my bag. Do you want anything from yours?" He asks as he reaches into the overhead storage and pulls out his bag.

"Oh, uh sure. Surprise me." I smile at him that he quickly returns before passing me my Nintendo Switch and a tube of Pringles. "Thanks."

"No problem, babe." He puts his bag back and then falls back to his seat with a book in hand. My cheeks instanly flush at the pet name he gave me and I turn on my switch hoping to pass a few hours by quickly.


A fair few hours later we arrive at our hotel and we're checked into our room very swiftly. On our way to the hotel I briefly got to see all the sights of Paris including the Eiffel tower and the Arc de Triomphe and Levi promised he would take me to see them.

We walk into our room and I immediately drop the things I was carrying and throw myself onto the large King Size bed with a sigh. "Ugh! It's been such a long day..." I groan and fold an arm over my eyes.

I can hear a light chuckle from the doorway as it clicks shut. "It has, it really has." I feel the bed dip to the side of me and Levi's warm arm drapes itself over my waist. "Do you want to go out for food this evening, or would you rather we order room service?"

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