~18~ Men!

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After dropping me off back home it was a lot later than I expected and I was in such a loved up trance that I practically skipped to my room. I collapsed straight onto my bed and fell asleep, dreaming sweet dreams of Levi Ackerman.

The next morning, I woke up feeling very refreshed and full of energy. It was a Saturday so I usually made plans to do something with Connie and Mikasa...and considering Levi and I were still so fresh I didn't want to make him feel that I was being really clingy already so I didn't bother trying to ask him what his plans were other than what he had already told me he was doing in the evening.

I texted Connie before getting myself washed a dressed for the day, asking what he was up to. Even though Mikasa and I live together, we had barely had a conversation since I started my new job so I also texted her.

Once dressed I picked up my phone and sure enough they had both replied. I looked at Mikasa's first as she was the first to reply:

M:No plans. Need a break. Wbu?

E: Wanna go out?

I then check my texts off Connie. He had sent multiple.

C: Yo!
C:Going 2 club with Mel, u in?
C:Tell Kas 2 come 2.
C:And Levi ;) ;)

I rolled my eyes at the last text and replied as I walked to the kitchen where Mikasa was sat eating a bowl of cereal.

E: K, I'm down. I'll ask Kas.

I looked up from my phone, placing it into my back pocket and address her. "Hey, Connie wants us to go to the club with him. You up for it?"

She drops her spoon into her bowl and grins at me. "You read my mind! Yesssss!" She jumps up from her stool and runs around the counter gripping me into a hug. "Oh my god, you don't even realise how much I need to get drunk!"

I laugh and hug her back. "Okay, calm down. You have all day yet." She pulls away with a sigh.

"Ughhhh, why so loooooong. Ooh, atleast I have time to try and find an outfit!" I quirk my eyebrow at her as she mumbles to herself about what she is going to wear and leaves the room.

"Right, well while you do that, I'm gonna have something to eat." I call after her, I pick up her half eaten bowl and throw the contents away before placing the bowl into the sink to wash later.

My phone dings at an incoming text and I fish it out of my pocket as I grab myself a bowl and spoon. I unlock it and instantly a smile creeps onto my face as I notice it's from Levi. I open the message and read it as I make myself some cereal.


E:Eating breakfast, u?

L: In the office, wish u were here ;)

I smirk to myself before replying.

E:Me 2 ;)
E:W8, y u there? It's saturday?

L: Smth came up. Wuu2 l8r?

E: Out with Con and Kas.
E: U wanna come?

He doesn't reply for a little while so I just assume he's busy and finish my cereal. I go back upstairs to brush my teeth and my phone goes off again.

L: I don't think that's appropriate.

Really? What about yesterday? Just that small comment has actually infuriated me so I don't reply, I shove my phone back into my pocket and angrily brush my teeth.

Once finished I storm around in my room for a while before finally stomping my way into Kas's room and throw myself onto her bed. She is standing at her wardrobe looking through it. As she doesn't pay attention to my obvious annoyed state, I begin to huff and puff like a spoiled child until I get noticed.

Let Me In (Au) - An Ereri StoryWhere stories live. Discover now