The Quarantine Diaries II

Start from the beginning

"Thank you for the coffee. And for breakfast" she says properly, this time, sipping her coffee. "And the Advil. The Advil is a godsend"

"No problem"


day three. still meredith's POV.

"I'm bored" she complains, flopping back onto the bed next to me "we've been stuck inside for three days, and we're not even close to freedom. We're still in the double digits! We still have eleven days left" she threw her hand up dramatically to her forehead, a defeated sigh leaving her lips.

"Calm down, Madonna" I murmur, flipping to the next page in my book "read something. Watch something. Do yoga. I don't know what to tell you" Addison had spent the morning going through her work emails and digital patient chart updates. By the time three in the afternoon rolled around, she was bored.

And it was now nearly seven.

"How are you not itching to go outside?" She asks, turning on her side to face me, her elbow propping her head up. "I used to go for jogs in the park in the mornings"

I shrug, and close my book, because it's becoming very clear that as long as Addison was on my bed, I wasn't getting anything accomplished.

Plus, I may or may not have found her whining slightly cute. Annoyingly cute, because I wanted to be irritated but I couldn't bring myself to. She was expressing how she felt, I didn't want to shut her up.

"Well, I like being in bed. I like sleeping in. I like being able to drink and not have to work in the morning" I count on my fingers "if I could, I'd stay in my house all day and only leave for work" who doesn't love being at home?

"I don't know how to do any of that alone" she says plainly "it feels lame to hang out by myself all day. I was married for years, but even before then I had my best friends around" for someone who longed to have people around, it was ironic that she lived alone.

"I live with three other people. I don't get alone time at home often. This two weeks is almost like being home alone, except you're here" I tack on with a smirk, and she smacks my arm lightly.

"I know I'm annoying, but I can't help it" she tells me, looking over at me with eyes the colour of the ocean; blue, green, wild, and free.

Except for this very moment, when she turned into a hurricane from being stuck inside.

"You are being annoying" I agree, and I see her eyes fall just a little bit before I continue "but I find it oddly intriguing. Call me a sucker for punishment I suppose"

Then, she smiles and my entire stomach does a flip. How can someone who's normally so poised be this bold with me? She hasn't held back a thing, wether it was a complaint or a compliment or both.

"I talk a lot, and you listen" she marvels "contrary to what you may think, I'd like to hear you talk sometimes too"

"Well, what would you like me to talk about?" I ask, a smile playing on my lips. "I'm not very interesting, I can assure you of that" my life was chaotic, and within the chaos there was me. The constant calm during the storm.

My own Mother had said I was nothing but ordinary, and I'd believed it.

"I don't believe that for a minute" she scoffs "you're not boring, Meredith" The way she says it actually makes me believe it; with such certainty and confidence.

"I used to be more fun" I laugh "but then I guess I grew up" it's a sad sentence, but it's the truth. In college, I was wild; now, I wasn't much of anything.

"I used to be fun too" she sighs "but then I got old. Now I have to wear reading glasses to see the newspaper over my morning coffee" she's telling the truth, I know she's not joking, but it makes me laugh a little.

"You're not old, Adds" I say, just as confident as she was in saying I wasn't boring. "You're not even halfway through your life yet; you're still young" and it was only after the words had left my mouth that I'd realized I'd called her Adds; a simple nickname that just slipped out, but regardless, it seemed to fit.

She didn't say anything, and it was silent for a moment, and then two. She finally broke the silence by reaching out to place one delicate, perfectly sculpted surgeons hand onto my cheek.

"You're sweet. I'm glad we're friends"

And just as quickly as the butterflies began, they were squashed. Friends. When I realized I was disappointed that she only saw me as a friend, my brain just about had a stroke.

How did I manage to grow attracted to her, after only three days? This was Addison, Derek's ex wife Addison. Why was I finding myself looking at her like she hung the stars in the sky?

"Me too" I answer with a forced smile, as she takes her hand down from my cheek and places it back at her side. "It was never you I didn't like; it was the situation"

"I wish I could agree, but I hated you when I first saw you, standing there with Derek all young and beautiful. You grew on me when I realized you aren't a whore" She says jokingly with a smile "you're not what I was expecting when I was picturing Derek's girlfriend on the plane from New York" she adds on.

"I can only imagine what you were picturing" I laugh "you caught me off guard. The last thing I was expecting was this gorgeous woman walking towards me telling me she's my boyfriends wife. I noticed you before you even spoke, you've got this intimidating, charismatic vibe about you"

"I think that's a good thing" She smiles, and I notice her eyes look more green in the sunlight, but more blue in the light from the lamp that sat on the nightstand. "I thought you'd be an ignorant, stuck up, bratty little thing. I should've known that's not Derek's type" she rolls her eyes, still smiling with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Well, he did marry you..." I trail off jokingly, and she laughs while smacking my arm playfully. Without even thinking, I wrapped my hand around her wrist to lace our fingers together.

To my surprise, she tightened her grip ever so slightly on my hand, moving a little bit closer to me.

I smiled as I looked down at our hands, before looking up to meet her eyes. Here, in this very moment, she wasn't Derek's ex wife. She wasn't my boss, she wasn't another woman, she was just her.

And I had to admit, I liked it very much.

"You're extraordinary, Adds. Don't let any man make you think you're not"

A/N- so I may have gotten excited about this novella and wrote a bunch more lol. When I love a storyline, and of course when you all love it too, it makes me love writing it that much more! Stay tuned, the quarantining isn't over yet 🤪


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