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Saira always wanted to visit Pakistan. She wanted to see the rustic beauty of the country and people with golden hearts, the stories she had heard from her nana jaan about his childhood had always intrigued her about Pakistan.

Saira had always seen herself visit Pakistan one day that was true, but if someone told her two weeks back that she would be in Pakistan, getting ready to attend wedding function of the daughter of one of the most politically affluent family of Pakistan she would have rolled her eyes and said I wish.

"Aapi, do you think these jhumkas will go with my dress ?" Alisha asked holding a beautiful pair of silver earring against her ear.

"They look stunning and so do you." Saira replies placing down the khol pencil and smiled at Alisha though the mirror.

The Mir's had landed in Quetta along with herself and Ayaan in the after hours of morning. Rushed into bullet proof cars guarded by a mini cavalry.

She didn't quite understand why they were being protected like one of them was the president of the United States of America, but when Ayaan explained to her that they were in Balochistan and Husaini family, the family Aiman was getting married into was the family ruling politically over Balochistan, she tried joining dots, all those spy movies she had seen had been helpful understand the situation better, they had come to attend the function of the family who had been threatened for their life.

"Aapi you look so good, can you smoke my eyes too, I've tried doing it so many times but I just can't." Alisha complained and took a seat on the bed of the bedroom the two shared.

In the past week, Saira had gotten close to all the members of the Mir family but she was closest to Alisha, Alisha was like the sister Saira always wanted but never had.

"Come here." Saira said and made her sit on the stool and worked magic with her Khol pencil.


"...but Baba it's not safe. Do you even trust them, trust them with our lives ?" Hamza asked as he paced the length of his fathers bedroom in the guest house the Husaini's had arranged for the Mir's .

"Hamza it's just one week, then we'll be-."

"Chachu a week, it's a long time. This is a bad idea. And purey Pakistan mai Farah phupho found that one family I cannot bring myself to trust." He complained racing his fingers through his hair. (And in the entire of Pakistan)

"Hamza enough." Zohaib said getting up from his chair, his voice had risen up an octave. "Don't forget I, am your father and this family is as much mine as it is yours, and I have been taking care of them since before you were born." Zohaib said looking Hamza dead in the eyes as if challenging him to contract him.

"I know Baba, I understand but I don't trust them." Hamza voiced his concern, although this time in a gentler tone.

"I don't either and neither does your Chacha jaan." Zohaib said and Hamza's eyes flickered to his uncle who nodded in agreement. "But they are going to become family now Hamza, they -."

"They aren't our family Baba, I'm going to go now before either of us start a fight." He said turning around and left the room. Taking the flight of stairs he came to the first floor which had four rooms.

His and Ayaan's was next to Sameer and Kashif's who was their phupho's son. The other side of the floor had two rooms, one belonging to Aiman alone and the other shared by Saira and Alisha.

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