Mir Hamza Aly Khan

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The uproar among the educated youth, constituting the majority of Pakistan's society had created a turmoil in the political world of Pakistan.

The demand for better reforms, jobs, infrastructure and judiciary had created a havoc for the ruling government.

Everyone, young or old knew that the days of the men taking shelter in Islamabad were limited.

It was six months before elections, the political campaign were at their peak, it was time to upturn the long reign of corrupt politicians.

"... the world is changing, so why shouldn't we ?" A baritone voice said concluding his speech at the Abbottabad University.

The entire auditorium echoed with applauses for the youth sensation Mir Hamza Aly Khan.

He give a tight lipped smile to the media and the audience and with a small gentleman's bow and descended down the stage.

The chancellor of the university bestowed him with a bunch of roses and pictures were clicked for the press.

"It's such an honour to have you Mir Hamza." The chancellor said extending his hand for a handshake.

"The honour is all mine sir." He said with a nod of his head, taking the man's hand in his vice hold.

"Hamza Sahab we have arranged for press conference and a post lunch so-."

"Press conference ?" Hamza asked cocking his eyebrow. "I'm no politician sir." He said with a small smile. "Politics and conferences should be best left to my father to deal with." He said sliding his sunglasses on as he walked out of the auditorium towards the parking lot of the campus.

It was way past lunch hours and Hamza had planned on reaching Balakot before sundown. It was a good three hours drive if everything went smoothly.

As he exited the building the front was buzzing with reporters, the blinding lights of the media sometimes made him want to snap their necks.

"Mir Hamza are you going to join politics ?"

"Are you marrying Aayeza Sethi ?"

"We heard you are returning back to London to get married to your English girlfriend."

"Is Mir Zohaib going to be the next prime minister?"

As Hamza reached his car, the media had been pushed behind by his bodyguards. He opened the passenger seat of the car to get it when the voice of the chancellor reminded him of his presence.

"Hamza Sahab it was great having you with us." He said

"Oh yes sir! The pleasure was all mine, thank you for letting us use your platform to convey our message." He said shaking hands with the chancellor and got into his car.

The smell of fresh leather and cool air welcomed him.

"No shit bro, you have a fan base in Pakistan." Hamza's best friend and business partner Aayan said smaking him on his arm as he slid on his seat belt.

"There is no fan base Aayan. These people just need a face they can rely on, and it's just a play of who appeals to them more." Hamza said reclining his seat and throwing his perfectly tailored Armani suit on the back seat of his Audi.

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