#28-Severe Illness

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Sickness and D E A T H

I'm sick, real sick. Not figuratively either. I got diagnosed with lung, and heart cancer.

It's not fun. But at least I have this journal to keep me busy. Not like I'll need it for much longer...

Mom says that I'm going to get better. I think she's just trying to tell herself that. Because I know it's not true.

But I don't fear death. It all happens to us sometime. It's not like I can stop it.

The Doctors have tried everything they can. Nothing helped. But I hope that they'll cure this sickness soon...

Her hand then started shaking, she gasped, violently shaking. She dropped the pencil, hitting the notebook off her desk in the process.

It was a code blue.

130 words~
If you didn't know, code blue means someone's heart has stopped.

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