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Other than the obvious, the only other warning is death!

Cold. It was too cold. Everything around him was cold.

The ground was cold, the air was cold. Every single little thing was just plain cold.

He shivered as he walked. He only had a tee shirt and a pair of jeans on, so none of that was helping him with the current weather.

He crossed his arms in an attempt to say warm, only to fail.

He stumbled as he walk, falling down into the pristine white snow, shivering even more.

"H-help..." He called out, gaining no response.

He said in the door as he froze, his skin turning blue. He kept crying for help, having no one help.

He let out one last final breath, exhaling the carbon dioxide into a cloud in the cool air.

Then he was dead. And never found.

146 words
I hope you enjoyed!
And for some reason, this never got published?!?!?

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