#4-"No, stop!"

27 5 2

Warnings: Kidnapping and, being grabbed, I guess? Needles... the dude gets kicked in the crotch-
Please let me know if I need to add more!

Ramona shook her head as she tried to pry her arm away from him.

"No! Stop!" She cried, continuing to attempt to pull her wrist back. The man simply shook his head, starting to pull out a needle from his sleeve.

Her eyes widened in horror as she realized what the substance was. "No! Stop! Leave me alone!" She yelled, kicking at his crotch.

The man yelped in pain, falling to his knees, letting her go in the process.

Ramona ran. She ran and ran until she was safe.

She ran back into her house, shutting the door as fast as possible. She slid down the door, crying silently as she held her mouth.

Then there was a loud knock on the door. She stayed silent, not responding.

The door then broke down, cashing Ramona to squeak, and scurry away from the falling door.

"You'll pay for that."

173 words!
I hope you enjoyed, and as always, constructive criticism is appreciated!~

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