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Warning- Stabbing (obviously), blood, dark... I think that is it, if there is anything else I need to add, please let me know!
This may seem a little dumb, but I had no idea what to write, and I just wanted to get to the stabbing part >:)

It started out a just a dumb and stupid dare, to go out into the alley and wait the night out.

Mary was at a sleepover with some of her other friends. They played typical games like, "Kiss, Marry, Kill", "Would You Rather", and the infamous, "Truth or Dare?".

"Mary!" One of the friend, Jaiden said, quickly gaining her attention. "Truth, or dare?" She asked.

Mary sighed, rolling her eyes. She had picked truth every other time, causing the others to get annoyed. What could she say? She liked to play it safe. But, what was the worst that could happen? "Dare." Mary said simply.

Jaiden then smirked, causing Mary to shift uncomfortably. "I dare you... to go out, and sleep in the alley, the one by stores, you know? The creepy one?"

Mary gulped quietly, looking around at all the other teen's faces. Stupid peer pressure. She then nodded. "Okay, right now, or...?"

"No, tomorrow night."

The girl nodded. She ran a hand through her hair shakily, biting her lip as she mentally slapped herself at the stupid choice. Mary was afraid of the dark- no, what may be IN the dark, and they all knew it too.

The group of girls stayed up, talking and chatting. But not Mary.  She was terrified of the next night to come.

The next day went by way too fast for Mary's liking. All day, her friends teased her about the dare.

And just like that, it was night time. Jaiden and Mary walked to the alley together. Jaiden nudged Mary's side.

"Ya nervous?~"

"No..." Mary mumbled, shoving her hands into her jacket pockets. She shivered a little, wishing she had brought warmer clothes to wear.

"Sure~" Jaiden teased.

The duo made it to the dark, creepy, and musty alley. They said their goodbyes, and Jaiden left.

Mary let out a nervous breath, running a hand through her hair. She sat down on the cold, hard pavement. She sighed, and checked her phone for the time.

"Only 8:30." She mumbled to herself. Well if she was going to be out here all night, she might as well get some sleep.

After awhile of fussing, she slowly closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

That's when she heard the scream.

It was loud, and high pitched. Mary jumped and woke up, looking wildly around for the source of the noise. She slowly stood up, looking at the scene in front of her.

She saw what she thought was a man, his fisted glove going into another young woman's stomach. It confused her, until he pulled his hand, revealing a deep red, sharp knife. The girl collapsed and he picked her up, taking her further into the alley, where the dumpsters were.

Mary tried to move, she really did. But her legs stayed stiff as he she stared in shock.

The man threw the corpse into the bin, before turning his head, spotting Mary. He smirked, and walked closer to her.

"How much did you see?"

Mary stayed silent, to scared to answer. She backed away, only to be stopped by the wall at the end of the alley.

The man smirked, stepping closer. Without hesitation, he stabbed Mary at the crook of her neck, causing blood to spurt out, and gush everywhere. She let out a scream, well, as best as she could with the current situation, and fell to the ground.

She out her hand at the wound, desperately trying to stop the bleeding. If only she hadn't chosen dare...

The man the stabbed her once more into her stomach, more blood pouting out. He disposed of her body, just like the other young woman. He wiped off his hands as he took the blood gloves off, stuffing them into his pocket.

He then ran quickly out of the alley way, hoping not to he spotted with the blood on his clothes. He ran.

He never got caught for what he did to those women, but Mary's parents were furious with Jaiden.

Jaiden ended up being the only witness, and the last person to be with her. She was accused of being guilty.

738 words!
I don't think it was that scary, or that good, but I hope you enjoyed!

Constructive criticism is appreciated!

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