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Drinking, passing out, kidnapping, all that good stuff~

She had no idea why she had agreed to go out and get drunk with her friends. She hates alcohol, and people! Damn peer pressure!

She was sitting alone on a barstool, twirling her straw in her half drunk drink. She sighed quietly to herself, looking around.

A man in a formal suit, came up and sat next to her.

"You alright?" He asked in a smooth, clear voice, causing the other to jump.

"Yeah, why?" She asked cautiously.

"You just seemed distressed, wanted to make sure you are alright. And, I was wondering what such a lovely lady like you was doing all alone?~"

She just shrugged, sipping at her drink. "Friend got drunk, over there dry humping so other guy." She said, waving a dismissive hand in the direction.

She sighed, looking at her friends' stupid actions.

When the woman wasn't looking, the man in formal clothing, slipped a pill into her drink.

"What about you?" She asked, turning back towards the man.

"Bachelor party." He stated simply.

The girl has started to sip her drink, her head spinning.

"You alright?" He asked, mentally smirking that his plan had work.

"Mmm... dizzy." She mumbled, holding her head.

"No, let's get you home~" The man purred.

The woman stumbled as she stood up, quickly holding onto the formal one to walk. The man smirked.

He led her to his home.

239 words!
I hope you enjoyed!~

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