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Read the title. Take this as literal, or as figurative as you'd like.

I can't breathe. Whenever I open my mouth, the water comes flooding in, and I choke.

I'll die, I know that. I have given up any hope on trying to swim back up.

If only someone could save me-

Save me. What a funny thought. Why would anyone save me? I'm too busy saving everyone else, and trying to be strong enough to help myself.

I'm an anchor, always there for others, keeping them grounded...

When will someone be mine?

It's too late now, I'm sinking, deeper and deeper. Bubbles come from my throat and nose, all the air has left me.

My eyes stay shut, but with less force than before.

Save me, save me. I am drowning.

I meet the bottom, the sand. It cushions my fall, my body limp.

I am now dead, surely I am.

Only because no one could be my anchor,

Now here I am.

164 words!
I hope to enjoyed! <3

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