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Uh... kIDNapPInG (no, I don't support it in any way... I swear), and needles

He was simply walking along and minding his own business.

Until she came along, grabbing him and picking him up. The latter obviously struggled and kicked. But a cloth was shoved on their mouth before the could scream for help.

The next thing he remembered was waking up in a cold and dark room, handcuffed to the floor. It seemed that he was in a basement of some sorts, the air muggy.

The woman was there, standing up above him. She was holding a long syringe needle. It was filled with liquid, and it smelt of bitter almonds.

"This won't hurt~" The woman said sweetly, grabbing his arm. The man tries to resist, but the needle was already in his arm. She pushed the top, and the liquid was flowing into his system.

And then, he was dead.

The woman smirked at the body. It shouldn't be to difficult to hide.

165 words
I hope you enjoyed!~

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