"Aren't you all very busy? I couldn't possibly take up your free time. Today was already more than I could ever ask for." She looked at them in concern. She didn't want to feel like they had to do this for her, she didn't want to feel like a burden.

"Don't be silly pretty Hana, we decided this long before and we made up our minds. We want to spend our time with you." Hobi grins

"Plus, didn't you say you had plans you wanted to spend with us? Just because we're unable to do them now, means we can just do them another time when we are able to!" Jin cheerfully says while the others nod in agreement. She couldn't believe it, she was so happy she could cry any moment but she had already cried so many times today because of happiness but this she couldn't hold in.

All her life, all she ever wanted was to have friends, people she could share and do activities with. People she could laugh and have fun with, and for her to be able to do that with people she dreamed of meeting was just too overwhelming for her. She cried saying thank you over and over again causing the boys to not be able to hide their affection for her so they gathered around her to give her a big hug with her in the center. Encompassing her in a bundle of love and warmth.

"Don't worry, you're not alone" and with those soft words Jungkook whispers, Hana couldn't help but smile through her tears, a genuinely big smile she couldn't remember the last time doing. They let her cry softly as Jin had to excuse himself from the room to prepare another surprise for her. In that time in between after she recovered from her teary mess, Tae has come to sit right next to her to hold her right hand and Yoongi was now sitting at the base of the bed with Jungkook still clutching her left hand. They had begun chatting about numerous things.

Hana was over being melodramatic and sobbing so she opted for a more curious conversation. The boys had then started relaxing in their spots and enjoying the feel of her hand in their palms, both Jungkook and Tae drawing circles on it with their thumbs mindlessly.

"So, I heard the both of you really like Overwatch?" She asks the two holding her hands, a cheeky grin on her face.

"Oh! I am best Dva" Tae enthusiastically responds and does cute shooting fingers at her before taking her hand again. She couldn't help but giggle at his gesture.

"And I'm the best widowmaker." Jungkook winks and uses his other hand to brush back his locks. Hana was trying her hardest not to squeal at his action. Wow he was so attractive.

"Oh yeah? How good." She challenged cocking an eyebrow at Jungkook. "I bet I could beat you in a 1v1 Jungkook" she smirks knowingly at him earning a challenging grin back from Jungkook and cheering from the other boys in the room. Things were getting exciting in the room any everyone was on board.

"You, me, 1v1 right now" he pointed at Hana and himself through his sentence squeezing her hand tight, "ok Noona?" With a flirtatious grin he made sure to annunciate the last word to fluster Hana, but she didn't back down.

"Don't day I didn't warn you, Kookie" she cheekily grins back and pulls her hand away from his winking at him in return. Jungkook pulls back clutching a hand on his heart pretending he was taken aback earning cheers and giggles from Hana's words towards him. "I can use my laptop, you can use my desktop in the corner if that's alright for you ?" Hana motioned to the corner of the room where Jungkook had already started walking to the battle station. Guess they were doing it now.

She luckily had her Laptop setup on her hospital table ready to be swiveled to her on her bed so she didn't have to move. The other boys gathered beside Hana to view her screen.

"Let's make this quick" she yawns tauntingly at Jungkook and he knew she was just trying to get on his nerves but he was enjoying this, he was so excited to see what she could do but he was also excited to show her his skills.

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