Chapter Eighteen - Knowing Myself [EDITED]

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Are you ready to begin your training?" he asks and I shrug and say

"Ready as I'll ever be"

We head to the back of the house and he begins to explain how to channel my inner angel. He told me to clear my thoughts and concentrate. I tried everything but it still didn't work.

"I can't do it " I say, losing all hope. "Are you sure I'm an angel?" I ask him, just to make sure.

"I'm very sure" he says. "We need to trigger your powers. Any suggestions? " he asks.

"Try to make me angry or sad", I say after a while. "If I get sad I'll want to leave and that might help trigger the teleportation and if I get angry we might discover my other powers" I say.

He looks to be considering it and finally agrees to it.

"Okay, let's try it" he says "So how many boyfriends have you had so far?" he asks and I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Really, is this how you plan on making me angry or sad. We'll if this is your plan I don't think it's going to work. But it's worth a shot. Anyways, I've had two boyfriends" I say and he looks taken aback by my answer.

"What happened to them?" he asks and I shrug.

"They didn't work out" I say.

"What do you mean by they didn't work out. You were too busy whoring around to give time to your boyfriends" he asks and a spark of anger is felt within my body.

"What the f*** do you mean whoring about? You don't even know me so why the hell are you here talking s*** about someone you don't even know" I spit out.

"I don't need to know you to know what you do. I already told you, I know who you are and I know everything about you. You're nothing but a worthless whore who uses men" he says and all I see is red.

"I said I am NOT a whore" I say and I feel my temperature start to rise.

"Of course you are. What else are you if not a whore?" he asks.

"I'm a fucking person not a whore, so you better shut up before I make you" I say.

The heat starts traveling over my body and I feel it moving towards my fingertips and without a second thought, I raise my hand and a ball of fire appears and I throw it at his head, but he quickly dodges it.

"Woah woah woah calm your fucking tits down. It was just to make you discover your powers, no need to fry my ass" he says.

"So we know you can create fireballs, now let's try the teleportation. Where are your parents Scarlett?" he asks and all traces of anger disappears and I'm left feeling sad.

"I don't know where they are" I say "I haven't heard from them in a while"

"Why not?" he asks.

"I don't know. Maybe because they're busy" I say.

"Too busy for their own kid? I don't think so. Let me tell you why you haven't heard from them. It's because they don't want you. Who would want someone like you. You're weak, ugly, and of no use to them. So why should they keep you around. They probably got rid of you the moment you turned 16 that's why you haven't heard from them in awhile"

"That's not true. They love me. They want me" I say, my voice breaking.

"Oh really? Then why haven't they come looking for you?" he asks.

"They're looking for me." I say weakly.

"Really? Let me show you what they're doing then" he says and begins chanting some words and a mirror appears in front of us. I see my mom and dad in the mirror. It looks like they're in the kitchen.

"Mom! Dad!" I shout and their heads turn in our direction.

"Your Majesty" they say in unison and give a bow.

"Rise my loyal subjects" he says and they stand straight again.

"Tell me, do you know this girl?" he asks and points in my direction.

Both their heads turn in my direction and they just stare at me.

"Mom, Dad, its me, Scarlett" I say

"I'm sorry your Highness but we don't seem to remember who she is" they say and my heart breaks.

They don't remember me?

"What the fuck do you mean you don't remember me? You gave birth to me for fucks sake. how the hell do you not remember your own daughter?!" I scream at them but all they so is just stare.

"That'll be all" Jake says and with a wave of his hand the mirror disappears.

"Looks like they don't even know who you are." he says in a mocking way.

"You. You did something to them" I say my voice laced with anger.

"Me? What makes you think I did something?" he asks

"Oh i don't know. maybe the fact that they called you 'Your Majesty'" I say, making sure to spit his title in disgust.

"I did nothing. Your 'parents' forgot you because you're not important to them. They never loved you. You're weak and disposable""

Each word he says is like a stab to my heart. I receive every insult, word for word and I try to imagine myself somewhere else, anyway but in front of him. I imagine myself in the mirror room. My only sanctuary. I close my eyes and drift off.


Hey guys. I'm so sorry for not updating in a long time. School has been taking up most of my time. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.



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