Chapter 16: Saving Her

Start from the beginning

I kept looking until I found it, it was from the library room. I planted my ear on the door, trying to hear more.

“MORE! MORE! MORE!” was what I heard.

 I opened the door, and saw a crowd of people, maybe around 10-15 people, and each of them was holding a can of beer. They were circling on someone. I walked closer to them, and found out this horror sight.

Jack and Elsa, doing some drinking competition. I could see at least 10 cans of beer on the table.

I gasped, as Elsa looked up to me.

 “Hiccup? *hiccups*” Elsa said, in the middle of a hiccup. “Elsa, what are you doing?” I glared at her feeling disgusted. “Just doing some competition with my boyfriend, Jack… *hiccups* Wanna join meh?” She offered, I shook my head in meaning “No”.  “Alright Elsie… *hiccups* I’ll just continue the party at the *hiccups* garden.” A guy said, as he walked out from the library, he was followed by everyone else, including Jack. From seeing their movement, I could see that they were all drunk. “Alright, I’ll see ya later… *hiccups*” Elsa replied, waving her hand.

 I turned my attention back to Elsa, as I was about to begin, Elsa planted a finger on my lips. “Before you *hiccups* go… Wanna know a secret?” She asked, putting her “drunk” smile. I replied none, as she pulled her finger away. She pulled my collar close, so her mouth was at my ear, meaning that she was about to whisper something. “Do you know what my dad did to me? *hiccups*” She asked, “What?” I replied. After this, she smacked me on the face hardly, and I fell to the floor because of it. “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!” I said, holding down my cheek. “My father slapped me, yeah, that’s what he did to me. You’re welcome.” She said, as if she was a boss. I was still holding my cheek, the pain was sharp.

 The door suddenly opened, revealing Anna. She gasped when she saw me. “Hiccup?! What happened?!” She said, as she ran down to me. “N-nothing.. Just…”  as I was about to lie to her, Anna looked at her drunk sister, who was examining her fist. “Did she just punch you?” Anna asked, “No—I was just—“, “Hiccup, don’t even try to. I already can see that.” I just sighed down in reply. She examined my cheek, and led me outside of the library. “You need to cool down your cheek, let’s go get some ices.” She said.

We were in the kitchen, she picked up a plastic filled with ice cubes. I took it and put it on my cheek. “Oh… This feels so much better.” I said, smiling over to Anna. “Thanks.”, "you’re welcome…”.

“Alright, we need to put this party an end. I've had enough, they’re doing nothing but messing this old house of mine.” Anna said, as she punched her fist. “… Hey Anna. I think we need to um…” I said, but still feeling unsure about it. “Need what?”, she replied, raising an eyebrow. “We need to get Elsa into her bed. I don’t want people to take pictures of her being drunk and post it on internet.” I continued. Hearing this, Anna raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s do it.”

 We walked back to upstairs, and went into the library. We found Elsa was lying on the chair, sleeping. Thank Thor. We carried her to her room, and put her on the bed. “Now, let’s tell the guards to end this party off.” Anna said, walking outside. I took a quick glance to the sleeping Elsa, feeling disappointed.

 The guards finally told the people to go home, after Anna told them to. I looked at everyone, a part of them were drunk. “Don’t worry. They won’t remember a thing at the morning.” Anna said to me, I could only hope.

As everyone already left the house, we walked back into the house, seeing the mess they made. “Welp,  I’m just gonna tell my maids to clean all of these off. Could you take a look at Elsa, please?”  Anna asked, I nodded in reply.

I walked upstairs, and saw that the door that led to Elsa’s room was opened! I quickly rushed myself inside, and saw no one but Jack, pointing his junk to Elsa.

 “JACK! DON’T!!” I pushed Jack away from Elsa, and I saw that Elsa’s pants were already lowered down by Jack, leaving her underwear. Jack quickly zipped up his zipper back, and punched me on the face again. “FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING—“, The punching didn’t put an end until a lamp hit Jack on the head.

­Anna P.O.V

 I told the maids to do the clean off. But then, I heard someone yelled on the second floor. I gasped, and ran up to upstair. The opened door that led to Elsa’s room caught my eyes, I rushed in, and saw Hiccup being beaten down by Jack on the floor. I looked for an object that could instantly beat Jack in one hit. I spotted Elsa’s lamp. I took it and smashed it on Jack’s head, making Jack to be unconscious.

 “Oh my god Hiccup. Are you alright?” I asked, seeing many bruises on Hiccup’s face. “I-I’m fine. At least Elsa is safe…” He answered, making me confused. “What happened?”, “Jack was about to get laid with Elsa, his junk was literally out from his underwear.” He explained, making me to gasped and shed a tear. “Oh my god.. Hiccup…” I cried out and hugged him. He just saved my beloved sister, and preventing her to get pregnant by this jackass. He hugged me back, and we stayed like this for a couple of seconds.

I pulled away from him. “Thanks… for being such a loyal friend.” I said, still sobbing.

 As we stood up, a pair of guards came into the room, looking at the scenery. I commanded them to get Jack out of the house, so they did. I fixed up Elsa’s pants and covered her with a blanket. I felt disappointed to my sister. But what Hiccup did, was certainly a life-saving act. If she got pregnant, there would be no way that we could put it as a secret. Even with Elsa already acting so distant to Hiccup, somehow Hiccup still would act like this. I couldn’t feel more grateful than this.

“Hiccup, thanks again…” I said, rubbing off my tears off my eyes.

 “It’s nothing.” He simply said.

 “C’mon. Let’s get some bandages on those bruises.”

Here we are, at chapter 16 already!

I’d like to thank you guys for giving me more than 100 votes by now, and supports.

And I won’t be active during weekend because I’ll be gone to the other side of the earth… with Aunt Cass. Jk.


Bye for now, Jenson out!

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