Chapter 29: Destroyed Into Pieces

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Here it is, a long waited chapter.

Third person P.O.V

His foot stomped at the throttle once he passed the car in front of him. He never drove in the highway but he learnt the basic from his father. Turn on turn signal to switch lane, speed up to the max based on the warning signs, and honk the car in front of him to make the driver aware of his presence if he wants to take over.

That's all he knows.

Up ahead, a traffic was being built. Hiccup slowed down by pushing the brake.
The traffic impressed Hiccup. It seems to be an endless one in Hiccup's eyes.

He let out a groan, hitting the steering wheel with his palm.

"Fuckin' traffic!"

Elsa beside him, couldn't help but to feel sorry to him. She knew that he's actually hitting her car, and he might make the airbag comes out if he hits hard enough.
He has his own reason to be mad like this. Her mother called him and told him that his father is in critical situation, and this caused Hiccup to feel worried in the whole time. His father's lung cancer is the reason why he got himself into critical situation. Or more likely ciggerate is the one that caused him a lung cancer.
Hiccup had been awared that his father would end his life like this, he always had. As his son, he could only warn his father to reduce smoking. But since Hiccup's father has been away for work most of the time, he never knew as well that his father smoked all the time.

Elsa's hand reached Hiccup's back, gently patting it to comfort him. Hiccup landed his forehead on the steering wheel, groaning once more. This gives Elsa more space to rub his back even more. She didn't stop until Hiccup stretched his back up again.

The car in front of them moved an inch, so Hiccup touched the throttle, making the car to move forward. Then he braked again, pulling the hand brake on.

"He will be alright Hiccup.." Elsa tried to cheer him up. But he knew that nothing's gonna be okay about his father. Even Elsa knew, so she kinda lied in the same time. At least, she tried.

An hour later...
An hour had passed, and Hiccup and Elsa made no significant progress on his way to the hospital.
Night has fallen. The clock on the dashboard reads 07:17 pm. And the hospital is still miles away. The only thing that Hiccup doesn't want to hear right now is the ringing of his phone. One ring, then his world will shatter into pieces.

"I will walk my way to the hospital if the traffic doesn't move within the next hour!" Hiccup said, followed with a groan.

"You said that an hour ago." Elsa chuckled.

He gave her a glance, a sharp one. Then Elsa returned her vision to the traffic ahead, knowing that she said that in the wrong time.

"It's okay Els.. I'm not mad at you."

"It's my fault, really. I just never saw you being mad too."

"Hpmh... I'm just stressed, not entirely mad but mainly stressed. You know, my only logic right now that my father could die anytime Thor wants." He landed his forehead on the steering wheel again.

"Let's just be patience for now, and hope for the best." She rubs his back. "You can switch driver of you want to."

"Nah. I'm good. I wanna experience the traffic in highway too--"

A ringing of a phone was coming from the back. Hiccup immediately looked back, and it turned out it was Elsa's phone inside her bag. Not his. After all, his phone was at the dashboard in the whole time.

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