Chapter 12: Frost and Winter

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 Elsa P.O.V

 I woke up on my bed, yawning loudly unlike “Queen Eliz” does. I looked up to my digital clock on a nearby table, late as usual to wake me up. Seconds later, it rang loudly. I immediately smashed the button on it in purpose to shut it down. I went to my bathroom to wash myself up with some hot shower. After I did that, I walked out, covered with a towel, of course, and think about the clothes I should wear for the day.

I decided to wear long light blue sweater, and tight jeans, followed with my glasses. I ran downstairs, carrying my bag to have my breakfast.

I spotted my sister, Anna, already having a pancake as her breakfast.

 “Good morning, Queen Eliz.” She greeted, sipping on her tea.

“Good morning to you too, Princess Ann.”  I giggled, as I took a seat next to her.

Like usual, foods were ready on the table. It’s just a matter of choosing them. I grabbed up a plate, and put 2 pancakes on it, followed with honey all over it.

“Hey Elsa.” Anna broke the silent.

“Hmm?” I replied, not rolling my eyes onto hers.

 “I saw you being… Escorted, I guess? To the cafeteria by a bunch of people. What was that all about?” Anna asked.

My eyes went wide after hearing this, I giggled at the end. “Oh you saw me?” I said.
“Who wouldn’t miss that kind of view?”

 “Well… They were my new friends. I told them my problem on getting into the cafeteria without being crowded, y’know, since we’re all famous. They decided to cover me by making a rather tight circle around me. I was kinda embarrassed, but if they didn’t do that, I’d never had my lunch.” I burst into laughter, remembering that moment. Anna joined the laughter.

“I’ve also heard that you were… chased? Something like that?” Anna said, as she stopped laughing, but still giggling.

“Oh yeah. I was walking down with Hiccup to the cafeteria, but as soon as we entered the cafeteria, someone shouted, ‘THAT’S ELSA WINTER!’ far across the room. Of course, all people turned their attention to the door, looking at me. and then I ran.” I explained with some acting.

“Oh. Was Hiccup running as well?” Anna asked, taking a bite from her pancake.

“Well, I grabbed his arm and ran with me. I also needed him to tell me a hiding spot.”

“You hid?”


Anna ended the conversation with a giggle, as I started eating my pancake.

We finished together and drove away to school.

 -Time jump-

 I was stood in front of my locker, next to my locker was Hiccup’s. He was nowhere to be found, weirdly. I unlocked my locker and grabbed up my needs for the day. I heard something slamming the locker next to me, as I gasped in shock. It was the white haired boy that I couldn’t remember his name, he was leaning down to the locker, staring at me with his rather “Frosty” eyes.

 “Hey there hottie.” He greeted, smirking.
I blushed in a matter of second, turning away my eyes away from his.

"Don’t be shy. I’m Jack.”
 He gave his hand in purpose to have a handshake with me, I looked at it, and shook his hand slowly.

She's Fabulous, Unlike You (Hiccelsa)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant