Final Chapter: The Funeral

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There he is, Hiccup's father, lying inside the coffin. His hands are crossed, holding a cross necklace. He does look peaceful, but everybody else inside the room certainly doesn't look peaceful.

Cries, tears, and many more are heard inside the living room, where Mr. Stoick's soulless body is at. There are many relatives that belong to Haddock's family that I do not know, so I stick myself with the crew.

Yes, the crew is here with me, along with Aunt Cass, the owner of the Hamada's coffee shop. All of us looked down in the whole time in the middle of the sad crowd.
The atmosphere is pretty cold, since it's raining heavily outside. Many people came inside, but thankfully, there's lots of spaces for all of us.

We were sitting down on a sofa. By saying we, I mean Tadashi, GoGo, Hiro, Honey, Fred, and Wasabi. I rarely talk to them but it's the best for me to stick with them.

Anna is embracing Hiccup's mother, who has been laying her head on the coffin, crying for forever. I'm very proud of my sister who would do such a thing, even though I found myself not brave enough to do the same thing.

I'm not a person who's full of solutions.

None of us dares to talk to each other, because of an unknown reason. They all looked down, saddened. My best theory on why they look so sad, it's because this is Hiccup's father. Hiccup must a hell of an important member in their gang, and it's the best to join the sad moment for them.

Thinking about Hiccup, he's... Upstairs inside his room. Isolating himself for his own reason. As my position as his girlfriend, I'm supposed to go up there and knock his door and talk. But, I'm too much of a coward, after experiencing what happened when Mr. Haddock's heartbeat monitor turned flat.


I heard a flat beeping noise, just like what I always hear when a person dies in movies.
As both of us turned around, the door was locked. Even though the door was shut, I still can hear the monitor's flat noise from outside of the room.
Hiccup desperately twisted the door handle repeatly, and then he slammed the door hardly.

"NO!! NOO!!! DAD!!"

I tried to hold Hiccup back, but he pushed me away slightly on my shoulder. With that, he started slamming the door even more harder. His screams are even more horror.

I tried to hold him back again, the door can be damaged if he hits it once more. "H-Hiccup, don't..."

His hand reached my shoulder without turning around his body, then pushed me hardly. I got flinched into the wall, and my right shoulder was the first to hit the wall.
My butt landed on the floor, and Hiccup didn't even notice that he hurt me.

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