Chapter 21: Wounds

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Hello there beautiful potatoes.

 Here’s another potato.


3rd person P.O.V

 “And that should do, Mr. Haddock!”

 The doctor said, as he finished putting on some bandages on Hiccup’s forehead.

The trio, Elsa, Hiccup, and Anna were in a clinic. What they just experienced at Winter’s resident was pretty bloody, at least, the two of them did. Hiccup’s forehead was bleeding a little but it had to be stopped since the wound was located on his head, near the brain. Elsa looked at him with a smile, she was very grateful for whatever Hiccup had done to her. Her wound on her hand was also fixed by the doctor. But Hiccup’s wound was far more concerning than Elsa’s.

“Will he be okay, doc?” Elsa asked, looking concerned.

“Well, according to the x-ray test, we detected no crack on this young man’s head. And his brain is still in tag, there’s nothing to worry about, Ms. Winter.” The doctor said, putting away his scisor to the nearby table.

“Okay... Thanks doc. We owe you a lot.” Anna thanked, leading the two outside.

“It is my job to help. You’re welcome.”

They got out off the clinic. Since Hiccup was wounded badly on the head, he couldn’t walk straightly like normally. He walked like a total zombie. They entered their car, Anna entered the driver’s seat, even though she had no driving license, but she insisted herself to drive, leaving the other two at the back passenger seat.

“Els?..” Hiccup broke the silent.

 “Yeah? Something wrong?”

 “I thought you wanted to talk to me. What’s the matter...?”

“Hiccup. I’m so sorry for whatever happened recently. I just—“  Elsa tried to find a word, but she was cut as she looked at Hiccup, who was breathing heavily, and looking dead at the car’s roof. He rolled his eyes onto Elsa’s. Elsa took a deep breath, “Can we just, start it over again?” Elsa asked, with her voice cracking.

“Hey, guess what?” He said, and cracked a small smile.

 “...What?” Elsa replied, looking confused.

 “Whatever just happened before, certainly wasn't the first time.” He said, looking away to the window.

 “Tell her Anna.” Hiccup added.

Anna, who was driving, couldn’t help but to say, “I’ll tell you at home, Elsa.”

Elsa P.O.V

 Once we arrived, Hiccup immediately went home by his bike. I asked him why he’d go home really quick. He said that he had this important stuff that need to be done, he also said that he got a perfect excuse for his wound to tell to his parents, that wouldn’t involve me. I could not believe that he’d do such a thing for me. I shed a tear again, before I could even say thank you to him, he was already gone.

I walked into the door, following my sister. She said that she’d tell me what Hiccup meant previously, but I thought that I needed a time for being alone. I stopped my steps, and Anna looked at me.

“Come on. Do you want to hear it or not?” She asked.

 “No... Not now. I want to be alone for a while.” I said, turning around and walked to the garden.

 I started to consume what I just did to Hiccup in the past. I left him, instead of me leaving him. I never realized that he was around everyday. I knocked his bike, I blamed him for leaving me, I made him involved in this bloody situation, I thought that he was a different person while he was wearing his glasses, and finally...

 I kissed him.


 His lips were soft, I felt addicted to them, until I found myself crying while kissing him. I pulled away, and grabbed his hand. “Thank you...” I said, between sobs.

 His eyes were staring at mine, how I missed those forest-green eyes. I could see peace in his eyes, and careness, and... pain. Slowly, his eyes shut by half, and his breathes were speeding up. His body was slowly falling, but his hands immediately held back. I looked at him in confuse. “W-what’s wrong Hiccup?” I asked, holding his shoulders.

 “Y-your wound...” He said between heavy breath.

Even with this situation, Hiccup still prioritized my wound, instead of his own wound. I replied none and  laid him down on the bed, his eyes were still open, as if he was forcing himself to be awake.

Anna suddenly came into the room, and gasped at the view. “What the hell had just happened?!” she yelled. “Anna, ask one of our maids to carry Hiccup to the car! We’re bringing him to the doctor! And tell them as well to take Jack out of the house!” I commanded, Anna nodded down and rushed herself out. In the mean time, I grabbed up my sweater and jeans back and went into the bathroom. I gently flowed down some water to my wound, I bit my lips to prevent myself from yelling in pain. the bloods flowed along with the water, leaving just the red scar. I dressed myself up and went out.


-End of flashback-

 I felt that something in my heart, was filled while I was kissing him. It’s like something that had been missing, had returned back to complete the puzzle.

 Do I love him?

 “...Yes. I love him. I never loved Jack, what the hell was I thinking... My movie even teaches about “True Love”, and how can I, as the main character of the movie, got lost in this kind of problem in real life? How stupid... How stupid!...” I said to myself, hitting my head several times.

 It’s official, I love Hiccup Haddock.

But he’d probably never love me back, nor even like me. I had been involving him into troubles and I didn’t want to involve him again. He even got involved in my personal’s matter, which when my parents decided to hit me and casted us out of the house. He even already dropped his own blood to protect me. He’d never date someone that has disasters following the person all the time, such as me.

I suddenly remembered something, about what Hiccup said previously. I decided to go back inside and asked Anna about that.

I came in, and saw Anna sitting down on the sofa. "Anna." I called. "Hmm?" She looked at me, as I sat down on the sofa. "I'm all ears. Tell me what Hiccup meant." I said, she sighed down. 


 That’s all for now, sorry for the short chapter.

 Bye potatoes.

 Jenson out.

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