Chapter 7: Helping

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Well, last update of the week, I presume.

But let’s hope.

 Hiccup P.O.V

 I heard someone knocked the front door. Hearing this, made Elsa rushed towards a calendar hanging on the wall. Her face didn’t look okay, as Anna followed her from behind. They both pointed a date, which was mark with a red marker. They shared a quick glance to each other’s face. Was it someone’s birthday date? Or something else? I could only wonder.

 “Hiccup, you’re gonna have to hide.” Elsa said in a low voice, as she turned around to me.

“Hide? Why?” I said.

“It’s my parents! I just noticed that they’re coming today, come on!” Elsa pushed me into a nearby closet, which was filled with some maid’s stuffs.

She pushed me in, and closed the door. It was dark, the only light I could see is from the key hole.  The air wasn’t nice as well, since the closet was very small. The door suddenly opened, and it was Elsa.

 “Sorry.” She said, and closed the door again.

 I couldn’t do anything, but to wait. I sat down on a box-thingy, which was strong enough to contain my weight. I grabbed my phone out from my pocket, and started to doodle around.

But my attention turned to the voice outside of the door, I could hear the same man’s voice, which was probably no one else, except Mr. Winter. Elsa’s father.

 “How’re my daughters doing, eh?” The man spoke.

“Hi there girls.” This was a woman’s voice, perhaps it was Elsa’s mother.

 “Hi mom, hi dad.” Elsa and Anna answered in unison. I guess I was right, the woman’s voice was their mother.

 After this, I only heard silent.

 “S-so, how was your holiday?” Elsa broke the silent, she sounded nervous.

 ‘No Elsa, express your feelings toward them!’ I thought.

 “Um, not bad. We just went to Hawaii, Italy, and many more. Thanks for the budget girls, anyways.” Her dad answered.

 ‘Douchebag! Using their money for fun!’ I was mad.

 I decided to do what I had to, I turned my attention to my phone, and started to text Elsa.

Elsa P.O.V

 I felt my phone vibrating inside my pocket. It vibrated once, meaning that I’ve got a text message. I reached my phone, and what a surprise.  It’s a text from Hiccup. My parents were taking off their jackets and their luggage on the floor, so they didn’t notice me.

I looked behind me, at the closet. What was he doing? Texting me in the middle of this family conversation? Was he trying to get himself compromised?

I looked at the message, what it said made me surprised.

 “Express your feelings toward them! Tell them that they’ve been doing the wrong thing to their daughters! Show this message to Anna as well, and talk!”

 I couldn’t believe what I just read, and yet, I have to admit that this was a perfect moment for us. All of us were here, in the living room. I tapped Anna’s  shoulder, she seemed to be worried as well. As she turned to me, I gave her my phone. She looked at it, and gasped a bit. Her eyes rolled onto mine, I gave her a nod to confirm her.

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