Chapter 48 ~Forever~

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"I've never been this angry." I grumbled when we were at a break for lunch. The jury was practically in stalemate. "I can't believe it's fifty-fifty."

"Well, I'm sure half of the jury is being paid." Harry should his head, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Who would they be getting paid by if Barker is dead?" I asked. He chuckled lightly and I wanted to be annoyed, but I knew it wasn't that he was poking fun at me. It was probably actually sad to him that this was common knowledge in his world and not in the normal one.

"People like Roger Barker don't just die and disappear. His money doesn't get dispersed into society. People that are that kind of rich always have a chain of people under them. Even the filthy rich know that they're not immortal. They have someone to take over for them when their time comes."

"So it's basically like he didn't even die?" I asked.

"Villains never die." Calum said.

"Then shouldn't we be worrying about what's going to happen to Michael if we DO win the case?" Harry and Calum looked at each other without saying anything. God, I wish I would have thought of this before. I always felt like they were one step ahead of me. But at least I have something on them. But it's probably better if they don't know that. Not now- or ever. They shrugged and continued eating. "I mean, you guys aren't worried at all about the fact that whoever Barker passed his wealth onto is going to want to avenge his death?"

"I mean, maybe not... Whoever it is got a lot of money from him dying. He's probably glad that he's dead." Calum said.

"I guess millionaires don't really have friends." I said and Harry shook his head. I was already plotting in my head. It made me feel guilty though. They didn't know what I was doing behind the scenes. And I can't imagine what it would do to Harry if he knew. Would he leave me? I wondered for less than half a second if he'd kill me, but I forced myself to drive that thought from my mind. He would never kill me. At least not on purpose. He wouldn't be marrying me if he was still having thoughts about killing me. I focused on the ring around my finger to distract myself.

"Are you alright?" his voice suddenly broke me out of my trance. "Michael's going to be fine either way." he assured me. "He has us, after all."

"Yeah," I nodded. "I'm fine." If I was successful, Micheal really would be fine. As well as everyone else. But if I wasn't, this court case wouldn't be number one in the list of their priorities anymore.

When we got back home, Harry and Calum left to go do something with- or for Michael. I'm not really sure because they weren't super clear on it. I left almost immediately after they did to go to the sheriff's office.

"Amelia, I wasn't expecting to see you today." Detective Casey said when I sat down in front of his desk. "You know it's probably not a great thing for you to be coming here while you're in the middle of a court case."

"Technically, I'm not involved in the crime." I answered, setting my purse on the ground. He looked at me like he wanted to say something in response to this, but he didn't. "I have some new information for you."

"What is it?"

"Roger Barker would have passed down his wealth to someone else. People like him have this stuff lined up before they even die." I said, trying to not sound too excited while I divulged this information.

"And who would that be?" the detective asked while clicking his pen.

"Well, I don't know yet." I answered. I realized that this could be an issue.

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