Chapter 39 ~Wait~

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Author's Note: Yay! Another new chapter already. I'm excited with where the story's going and I hope you all are too. :)


Harry's POV


I groaned and tried to open my eyes, but if felt like they were glued shut as I had literally just fallen asleep.

"STYLES, HELP!" my eyes shot open and I raced out of the room to the front door. "THE POLICE ARE HERE. They're here!!" Michael was having a full blown panic attack as he stared out the window at the six cop cars with lights on parked on the side of the road. My heart raced. I tried to make a plan. I didn't expect this. At least not so soon. It'd only been three days. "I don't know what to do!! What do I do?! What do I do?"

"Calm the fuck down, first of all!" I yelled. If he kept yelling at the top of his lungs, the police would know that there was more than one person here. "Go out the back door and stay against the back of the house. Get between the air conditioning unit and the bricks. Stay there. Don't move. Whatever happens, don't move. I don't care if I end up dead, ok Michael? Just don't fucking move." I grumble.

"Be safe." Michael ran through the living room of sorts and out of the back door. I wanted to roll my eyes. He was so willing to let me cover for him. But then again... I was willing to. There was a heavy rapping on the door and I was quick to answer it. There were two officers standing at the doorstep. The others will still in their cars.

"We need you to come with us." one of them said. I wanted to slam the door in their faces and run away, out the back door, just like Michael did. But that was the child inside of me. The one that was still terrified every day. I didn't know what I was doing. But I did know that I shouldn't be doing it. Just like a child. I knew I had to cooperate with these guys. Otherwise, I'd just make things worse. Just like I always do.

"Yes sir." I grinned and followed them out the door and to one of the police cars. Because I wasn't being arrested, I got to sit in the front seat. I'd never been in the back seat of a police car before, but they don't look comfortable and I've heard horror stories about them. Even from Michael who ended up back there often. I wondered if he was still hiding in the backyard. I wondered if he would still be at the safe house when I got back. I gave him no further instructions than to hide behind the air conditioning unit.

"I noticed that you didn't ask why you're coming to the police station with us." the officer next to me said casually. I was surprised that he had said anything. I had assumed that this would be a mostly silent ride. Most officers around here aren't that chatty.

"Well, I heard that Mr. Barker was killed and I was just at the station a few months ago to discuss his tax fraud with Chief Harris. So, I assume that I'll have to answer some questions so they can see if I know anything about what happened to him."

"It seems to me like you don't know much about it then?" the officer questioned and I shook my head.

"I only know that he never paid his taxes and he owed a lot." I replied, smoothly.

Once we got to the station, I went and sat in a room that was next to the chief's office. Last time, we had just chatted inside his office. I guess that was a less tense conversation, though. I was alone for nearly half an hour when the door opened. I expected Chief Harris, but another man walked in instead.

"Harry Styles,... I'm Detective Hernandez." he said, holding out his hand for me to shake and I did.

"Pleasure." i replied, already constructing responses to his questions in my head. My mind drifted to Charlotte. She had called me twice during my ride here, but I couldn't answer for obvious reasons. I never don't answer my phone. She's probably a little worried at the moment.

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