Chpt. 18- Feelings revealed

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17th May

Hoseok's pov 🐰

"Oh? And are you saying he's yours then?" The egoistic boy said.
I was about to answer when I stopped and realised that he wasn't wrong and that feeling of disappointment grew.

Why am I sad he's not mine's?

Was this normal to feel like this about your best friend? I had no clue. But that was the only thought that seemed to be running through my mind. The lights and noise that were right in front of me seemed so distant and before long I felt someone gently shake me from my daze.
"-seok, Hoseok!" Hyungwon looked at me through furrowed brows.
"It's time to go, are you okay?" He asked with concern.

I realised his close proximity, how his eyes looked like they held galaxies, how his cheeks were flushed due to the slightly chilly night and how his plump lips were formed in a cute little pout-
Then I realised I had been staring.
"U-uh yeah. Let's go!"
I hurriedly stood up and bid my friends goodbye.

The dark night was lit up by the stars above and on the ground below it was lit by the lights from lampposts and lanterns, that surrounded us. I looked over at Hyungwon who was looking around in awe, my own face showing my adoration for the other.

I glanced behind him and saw a stall. It had caught my eyes and shortly after my eyes had registered what goods they were selling my feet began moving on its own accord.

The man behind the counter looked up at me and smiled.
"Hello young man, would you like to buy some flowers for your lover?"


"Umm, is there any you recommend?" 
"Well different flowers symbolises different meanings, even the colour factors into it!" The man exclaims.
He seems really into the whole flower business.
"I want to give them to a...a really close friend to show how much they mean to me"
"Ah young love, I see how it is" the man chuckled.
I was going to correct him and tell him he had gotten it wrong but he had already started preparing the flowers.

"White carnations to represent your strong and sincere friendship, yellow lilies to show the special someone you are happy loving them, then adding some pink daisies to show your gradual feelings of innocent love blossoming, and finally red roses that display your passion and strong desire...voilà!"
The man handed me the colourful bouquet, it gave off a pleasant scent that was neither weak nor too strong.

I thanked the man after paying and left to where I had left Hyungwon, smiling down at the ornate flowers wondering the reaction of my best friend when he would receive them.

"Seokkie! Oh gosh they're beautiful!" I imagined him say.
"Not as beautiful as you" I would utter in a seducing, I think, way.
"Jeez you're such a flirt...but that's what I love about you"
We stare into each other's eyes then we'd kiss passionately under the full moon.

I furiously shook my head, what was wrong with me?! Fantasising about something so cheesy. Yet my heart fluttered at the mere thought of that situation happening.

When I got to the place I had left Hyungwon in he was nowhere in sight. Getting out my phone, I dialled his number but was met with a long, harsh beeping tone.

Panic began to sink in as I frantically searched the area for my missing friend. I started calling out his name in hopes of him popping out from behind a stranger to let me know he was there, but all I got were judging looks from people who thought my behaviour was similar to that of a crazed animal.

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