Chpt. 10 - A Lie?

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27th March

Hyungwon's pov 🐢

"You want to hangout tomorrow?" Minhyuk asked with pleading eyes.
We were sitting at our usual spot in the rooftop, his head leaning on my shoulder.
"At mines or?"
"Well, I was hoping to see this new movie at the cinema..." he trailed off.

We would usually go to mines or his if we ever wanted to hang out, since I don't really like leaving the comfort of my home to have social interactions or anything involving getting close to others. It's not that I hate it, it's just that if I have the option to keep contact with people I don't know to a minimum, then I'd take it.

I was about to try and negotiate the location, until I realised that this would be a great time to fulfill my so called 'promise', even though I had not wanted to.

"You don't mind if I bring Hoseok as well right?"
I thought I saw a flash of disappointment in Minhyuk's eyes even though he was smiling, it's probably just my imagination.
"Of course!"

When we were in chemistry we didn't really talk unless it was about the work. This was definitely unusual for someone as talkative as Minhyuk, who would sometimes say a bit more then needed, he was a mouthy person after all.

I wanted to talk to the other as I thought he must be upset, but my mind was whirring with thoughts like "should I not go tomorrow and say I was sick" or "will Hoseok confess on the first date".

It hurt that I had to help my crush get with another guy, but he was still my best friend and that's definitely better than nothing, so I stuck to being heartbroken as long as I could be with him.

I've known Minhyuk for a month now and I know he's a great guy. He's sweet, caring, funny and always knows what to say to make you feel better. Not to mention he's very handsome. He was the talk of the whole school when he first transferred here and he definitely could've had many admirers confess to him daily if he was not busy with a nobody like me.

Lunch arrived and the cafeteria was filled with students, making it super crowded. It was always like this on a Friday the reason being that it was dessert day, the only day you could get cake, slushie during summer, or hot chocolate during winter.

Minhyuk's mood had gone up so he was busy chitchatting with Jooheon and Kihyun. I tugged on Hoseok's shirt to get his attention, once he turned around I whispered in his ear.
"I got you that date"

It took him some time to realise what I meant and when he finally did he gave me the biggest grin.
"Finally! I thought you forgot, tell me about it later"
I nodded, turning back and throwing away my leftovers in the bin next to the table. I tried to ignore the pain that was slowly consuming me.

During literacy, Hoseok had kept bugging me to tell him more about his upcoming date, but I had told him I would tell him when we got to mines. He wasn't satisfied with the answer and eventually got kicked out of the classroom by the teacher for disrupting the class.

I had to hold in my laugh as I saw Hoseok walk off sulkily, looking back at me with a pout, before leaving. Thankfully, I didn't have him in my last class and surprisingly the annoying hamster next to me felt like better company for now.

The school day was finally over, the only time I wish it wasn't, and Hoseok had been rushing me to get home. I nearly tripped and fell on the floor when Hoseok ran down the hall and pulled me behind him.

Love hurts | Hyungwonho/2wonWhere stories live. Discover now